[27] Is This the End..?

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*Third Person POV*

*Warning! Again skip ahead to Shiro's POV if you are uneasy about abuse.*

Kyoya nearly dropped his phone in shock when he got the message from Shiro. The hosts were gathered on the couches relaxing a bit before heading home for the day when Kyoya's sudden silence got them all curious. 

"What's wrong Kyoya?" Tamaki asked noticing his disturbed look. Kyoya said nothing only jolting out of his seat and running to his laptop typing something quickly before a video feed had appeared. A scream echoed the silent room and Kyoya looked at his computer screen in horror. Honey and Mori bolted from their seats as well running to see what was on the screen. They new that voice even if they didn't want to believe it. The others paled at the trio who all had a look of fear and horror cross their face. "Kyoya?" Tamaki said walking over and covered his mouth from what he saw. The rest curious as to what was going on made their way over as well. All of the hosts stood in horror as they watched Shiro being pinned by a larger man struggling to get his hand from under his foot. 

"That idiot." Kyoya muttered his whole body trembling. "I told him we would try to help him without video proof." 

"What is going on? Who is that guy? What is he doing to Shiro-senpai?" Haruhi rambled off with the twins as they continued to stare at the screen in fear. 

"That is Shiro-chan's father..." Honey said clutching his bunny tighter to his chest as he glared at the man through the screen. The hosts who had no idea about Shiro's abusive father gasped in shock and flinched when they heard him scream again. Everyone turned their attention to the man who had walked away picking up a knife. 

"You know what. I'll treat you to something special today." The dark look in the man's face as he turned back around to face Shiro had Kyoya whipping out his phone dialing the number for his families special police force. "Welcome to your last private lesson." 

"No!" The hosts heard Shiro yell as he scrambled to get away. They could do nothing but watch as the blade came swinging down. Shiro threw up his arms crying out as the blade cut through them blood splattering the area and staining his shirt. 

"Yes I am linking you the video feed now. There is a boy who is possibly on the verge of getting murdered by his father." Kyoya yelled into the phone as he typed with one hand on his laptop. "Yes, The Nakamowa residence." Kyoya hung up the phone grabbing his laptop and heading for the door. "Are you coming to help save Shiro or not?" Kyoya yelled over his shoulder. Honey and Mori ran out past him taking off through the school halls and outside. Honey glanced over at his cousin to see him look both angry and frightened at the same time. He only hoped they could make it to their friend in time.  

Shiro cried out again as his father's foot slammed into his numbing arms. In the back of his mind he was hoping that Kyoya had gotten his text and that, if anything, the camera equipment was working. Shiro rolled out of the way of his attacker barely dodging as the blade stuck into the flooring of the room. He heard the man above him growl in annoyance. 

"Sit still you brat!" Shiro scrambled around the room barely dodging the mans attacks.  He was trying to stall for time praying that someone would come soon. Shiro tripped on the part of the floor that was stabbed earlier and fell hard on his arms. His vision blurred as he turned the blade slamming next to his face cutting into his shoulder pinning him down by his shirt. His father tried to pull the blade out but it was well stuck in the floor. Shiro heard him click his tongue in annoyance as the he reeled his arm back punching him square in the jaw. He stood briefly to grab another knife. Shiro groaned as his vision spun. This was it wasn't it. 

'I never got the chance to tell Takashi that I love him.' Shiro thought as he watched the man he called father approach him slowly. Shiro closed his eyes letting the tears fall down his face. 

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