[6] The Twins Have Their First Fight

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*Third Person POV*

"Let's all play the which one is Hikaru game!" The twins announced standing next to each other with green hats on. The girls smiled and clapped for the twin's idea. "So~ Can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?" They asked the girls in front of them.

"Well you guys are so alike it's hard to tell." One girl said while another agreed to her.

"Many ladies have tried, but all had failed to tell us apart."

"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard." Haruhi stated as she walked by and took her spot next to Shiro and their guests. It had become quite common for the two newbies to stick together and the girls found it sweet that they stuck together and helped each other.

"What have you got a problem with it Haruhi?" The twins asked simultaneously putting their hands on their hips.

"No. I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular." Shiro snorted holding in his laughter as the twins pouted. Shiro and Haruhi gave the boys blank looks when they walked over to explain the importance and how taboo their love was for each other. Which got their guests to squeal in agreement.

The four looked up when Tamaki came stomping over to the twins looking extremely pissed.

"What stick went up his ass?" Shiro commented as Haruhi sighed clearly as annoyed as Shiro.

"When I let you guys run the website I figured you would take your job seriously!"

"We take our job very seriously boss." Hikaru stated while giving Tamaki a blank face like his brother did.

"In fact, we stayed up all night working on the website until dawn." Kaoru waved his hands to give emphasis to what he was saying.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU WORKED SO HARD TO CREATE!" Tamaki yelled pulling out a laptop which had up a picture of Haruhi shirtless and looking like a boy.

"Wow you look great Haru-chan!" Honey complimented with flowers coming off around him sincerely. As soon as the comment was made the girls surrounded the laptop leaving Haruhi to look at it frozen with annoyance.

"WHEN DID YOU TAKE NAKED PICTURES OF HARUHI!?" Tamaki screamed at the twins. Not really caring about the argument Shiro stood up and glanced at the twins work. It wasn't that bad for being photoshopped.

Shiro looked up to see Haruhi slowly loosing her soul and ran over to her side. "Oi, snap out of it Haruhi." Shiro shook her shoulder only to let go when she glared at him. "I'm sorry." He said shrinking down from the girl's glare. If looks could kill Tamaki would be dead seeing how Haruhi had now directed the look to Tamaki.

"Now cut it out you guys. No more making weird pictures of me got it. What do you guys take me for anyway?" Haruhi lectured the twins as Shiro shrunk back to the couch.

"Your're our toy." the twins stated.

"I am not your toy okay!" Haruhi yelled at them. Shiro watched by the couch curious about what would happen.

"Shiro-senpai it's cute that you are so worried for Haruhi." A girl commented behind him. Shiro turned and smiled at her.

"Yeah I guess I am. We both started at the same time so I guess it's like we have to stick together you know?" The girls awed and Shiro turned to them fully to flirt and compliment more.

"You want a toy?" A creepy voice said from opposite the twins and Haruhi causing them to look at the weird black clothed man by a set of doors no one noticed before. "Toys, toys. If you like toys then you should come and visit my black magic club. We have opened a market place that showcases black magic items from across the globe." Shiro looked over the couch to see the creepy man and a shiver ran down his spine nearly the same time that Tamaki shivered and jumped away from the creep.

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