[22] A Haninozuka Stand Off

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*Third Person POV*

Kyoya had a clipboard ready to help take notes about the injuries that he had found out Shiro had suffered from his father. It was definitely a shock to him when he accidentally walked around the corner to see Honey so angry at the boy. It honestly scared the darker haired boy even if he didn't want to admit it. The nurse was still getting another chart ready to write down the normal check up procedures. Kyoya glanced at Honey who was sitting on the desk. His normal flowery self was being pushed back. Kyoya noticed that the small blond looked very tired.

"Honey-senpai?" The blond turned to Kyoya. They were both still waiting for Shiro to show up since school had started again. "How long have you known?" Honey sighed and leaned back kicking his feet slightly.

"The trip to your parents resort. After Shiro and I got swept away we were slammed into one of the trees. I noticed he was hurt and when I lifted his shirt he was covered in bruises. I was really worried that his ribs were fractured. I knew that hitting a tree even that hard wouldn't have done that much if he wasn't already hurt."

"That far back? Why did you never say anything to us?" Kyoya was shocked to hear how long ago that Honey had known. Even the nurse was starting to get a little worried about the condition their friend was in.

"I promised I wouldn't say anything."

"And I'm glad you didn't, but it can't be helped that I was found out by someone else. It was bound to happen soon." Both boys turned to the door to see Shiro standing there leaning against the door frame.

"You must be the one the boys told me about. Don't worry I am sworn to secrecy as directed. Now I need to to take off everything. Leave your underwear on though. You can use that space behind the curtain." The nurse said grabbing a clipboard to put her paperwork on and grabbed a pen. Shiro hesitated looking at Kyoya and Honey.

"Are you two sure you want to be in here for this?" They both nodded as Shiro sighed. "Suit yourself then." Shiro went behind the curtain. He waited until he heard the door close and lock before he took off his uniform. Shiro held his hand in front of the curtain scared to see the reactions that he would see on the other side. He glanced down at himself. He had fresh bruises on his arms and sides.

"Are you alright in there?" The nurse asked about to open the curtain. Shiro sighed and threw it open avoiding eye contact with the others in the room. It got deadly silent as the nurse nearly dropped her clipboard. Looking at the boy in front of her she knew that his condition was a lot worse than they had thought.

"Let's get this over with." Shiro said as he walked towards her.

"R-right.." She spent a few minutes getting his height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature. Then she went on to bringing Shiro over to a portable x-ray machine. Kyoya and Honey could only watch him and he let the nurse poke and prod at him. They heard him hiss in pain as the nurse touched certain parts on his body. Neither of them thought that he had that extensive of wounds. Honey saw more scars scattered mostly on his back. They looked old, but they trailed down his back in angry arcs. The nurse moved to his back then blocking Honey's view. "These scars..." Shiro was sitting on a rolling chair leaning against the back with his arms. He turned his head slightly to see if the nurse would ask a question. "Where you lashed when you were younger? These are quite old." Shiro nodded slowly. Honey and Kyoya looked at each other quickly. Kyoya writing on his clipboard adding whipping marks to the list of things they have found.

"Those happened long ago." Shiro muttered as stared ahead. The nurse clenched her hands angrily staring at the boy in front of her.

"What kind of monster could do this to a child. Whatever you boys are planning I hope you can put whoever did this in jail." The nurse moved over to another table before she instructed Shiro to stand.

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