[19] Shiro's Unlucky Day

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*Third Person POV*

Shiro stood in the tradition kendo outfit. The time had finally come for nationals again and this time Shiro was favored to win. At least he hoped so anyway. He had a very sneaky feeling that even if he did win something would go wrong later today. The feeling had been around him since he woke up, no ever since he found out about his sisters not so accidental death. 

Shiro took his place along the mats adjusting his uniform and trying to focus on what he was about to take place in. The place was crowded full of people who were excited to start. Shiro stood at attention as the one who was running the championship took his place in the middle of the ring. Shiro listened as he explained the rules to everyone. 

"Number 37 and Number 82. You are up first." Shiro looked at the number on his shirt and moved to sit with everyone else as he waited for his number to be called. Shiro watched closely to everyone reading the moves of the winners. Apparently Shiro was the last one to be called to fight. Shiro put his helmet and fixed the straps moving into the ring. He held his kendo sword up tapping his opponents sword waiting for one of them to make the first move. Shiro watched carefully as his opponent shifted his weight. Shiro reacted quicker getting in a strike before his opponent could even react. Shiro looked a little shocked by how much power he had in the strike. His opponent looked up at Shiro from the floor also looking a little shocked that he had been knocked down. Shiro frowned to himself this situation felt familiar to him and how he was defeated back in middle school. He took a sideways glance to see his father watching him. For a moment Shiro honestly didn't care what his father was thinking at that moment as he reached his hand out for his opponent. 


"No problem!" Shiro said smiling and helping him back up. They continued their fight with Shiro winning in the end. 

However, Shiro knew that as him and his family were leaving something in the air had changed. Shiro handed over the first place trophy to one of the drivers before sliding into the car himself. He sat tense as the heavy gloom spread over between his father and him. 

"Toshiro." Shiro sat up straighter as he heard the dark tone in his voice. 

"Yes sir?" 

"Good job today on winning first." Shiro stared at his father in shock. He never would have thought he would have ever heard those words from his father. "However," Shiro felt his world crash quickly. So much pain in such a simple word. He knew it from the very start that even if he did okay today something really bad was going to happen. "You know that you should never show mercy to your opponent they are beneath you." 

"Yes....Sir..." Shiro looked down at his hands in his lap. 

"Seems we will be having private lessons when we get back. I need to show you how our family works." Shiro gulped in fear. He had been in a few private lessons before with his dad and they never turned out well for him. Shiro looked out the window he was trying hard to fight back the tears he knew that showing weakness now would end us causing him more pain. 

*Warning: Things get really bad from here until the next chapter if you are unsettled by abusive tendencies and blood then I would recommend you skipping ahead. Although there is something that is revealed in this part that it pretty big for Shiro. Read at your own digression.*  

Shiro stood across from his father with a practice kendo sword in hand. He was no longer wearing a kendo uniform only wearing a pair of black sweat pants and a black t-shirt. His father was surprisingly dressed nearly the same way. It was a little unsettling to Shiro to see his father out of a business suit. Shiro took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. If could keep up with his father then maybe the beating wouldn't be so bad. 

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