[26] Shiro's Jealousy

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*Shiro's POV*

I tightened my grip on the red heads arm causing him to look really confused. It was then that the door opened with Haruhi standing in just her tank top. My eyes widened as I quickly looked at Kasanoda to see his reaction. As I thought he was standing there looking very shocked. 

"Haruhi if you are going to step out of the room you should at least be fully clothed." I said looking at her face. She looked pale and was staring at Kasanoda. I sighed and let go of his arm quickly undoing my blazer and throwing it around Haruhi's shoulders. "Go back inside and finish changing. What is it that you needed before you came out here?" 

"A t-towel." I nodded and pushed the stunned girl back into the room before turning on Kasanoda. 

"Not. A. Word." I said leaving him to go get a towel from the other room. "Don't even think about opening that door again either." I walked into the hall to be met by the hosts. 

"Shiro-senpai what's wrong? And where is your blazer?" I looked at Tamaki and frowned. 

"Let's just say our red headed friend in there knows Haruhi's little secret." I huffed walking away to the storage room before coming back with a towel. When I got back into the room the twins were already glaring and scaring Kasanoda into a corner. Even Honey was right up in his face. That meant very bad news for the boy. It was no wonder he was trembling. I walked over to the door again and knocked. "Haruhi I got you that towel." The door opened slightly as her hand darted out grabbing the towel and slamming the door shut again. I sighed and looked at the others. 

"So then Fujioka's a girl?" Kasanoda asked seeming to calm back down. 

"Red Alert." Kaoru said. "He's on to Haruhi's little secret."

"That's not good." Hikaru finished. I glanced over at Tamaki and saw how badly he was freaking out on the inside. An overwhelming feeling overcame me. I glanced back at Kasanoda and frowned further. If he knew Haruhi's secret then did that mean he was going to be forced to join the club as well like I was. 

"That's enough you two." Kyoya said snapping me back to what was going on. I noticed that the twins were about ready to slam his face in with a bat. 

"How can you be so calm about this! Are you made of Ice?" Kaoru yelled. 

"Look the boss is so deep in shock he's evaporating away!" Hikaru yelled pointing the bat towards Tamaki who was leaning against a pole dazed and pale. 

"Well since it seems that the cat is out of the bag." Kyoya said fixing his glasses and glaring at Kasanoda. "Let's talk. Haruhi is compelled to hide the fact that she is a girl due to some circumstances. Now coming from the family you are in I am sure you are used to juicy little rumors. Enough to know what is true and what is not. Take the Ootori's police force who are able to come after our enemies in the blink of an eye. You have heard of them right?" The smile he gave Kasanoda even sent chills down my spin. I stood waiting by the door again hoping that Haruhi would come out fully dressed this time. 

"Come on guys stop scaring Kasanoda!" I moved slightly when Haruhi opened the door so I wasn't in the way. "Here Shiro-senpai your blazer and thank you for that." 

"No problem, but seriously please just talk through the door if you ever have to change again from anything. It would make things a lot less awkward."

"Right sorry senpai and sorry about all this." She said turning to Kasanoda.  

" Hey Fujioka."

"Look it's fine, doesn't matter to me at all. You can tell whoever you want to." I raised an eyebrow at her. Did she forget the reason I am in this club is because of her. Although I should thank her for indirectly dragging me into this mess. I did after all get the chance to get closer to everyone and make decent friends that made me laugh again.   

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