[13] Honey's Bitter Days

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*Third Person Pov*

"Now you've done it!" Tamaki whisper yelled to the twins as he stared in horror at the tea stained bunny that was Usa-chan. The twins were hugging Haruhi and blaming her for running away and having them knock into the table.

Shiro just sighed ignoring them on the other side of the room while Kyoya was going over something in front of him on his laptop and Takashi reading next to him.

The four only kept getting louder and louder before Kyoya finally spoke up. "Excuse me, we don't have any guests at the moment so I don't care if you make a racket, but please do not wake Honey-senpai from his nap." Shiro glanced at the sleeping figure of the small blonde on the couch. He looked peaceful, however from the stories Shiro heard, he knew Honey was not one to wake up unless in an emergency.

"I don't get why he is a third year who still takes afternoon naps." Haruhi muttered before turning to the others. "We're gonna have to tell him about the bunny at some point. Why not just wake him up and apologize."

"No don't!" The idiot trio chorused together hiding behind a sofa.

"It's safer over here Haruhi." Tamaki waved her over to behind the chair.

"What are you talking about?"

"Honey-senpai wakes up in a very bad mood after napping." Tamaki explained while sweating nervously. "Now this may be just a rumor, but supposedly the Haninozuko went to the U.S. to do some military training. Honey-senpai slept through most of it from jet-lag and it was said one of the soldiers tried to wake him carelessly..." Tamaki's words trailed off as everyone imagined what had happened. "Though we have a bigger problem. Usa-chan was handmade from Honey-senpai's deceased grandmother. You've seen how he cherishes Usa-chan. I can't imagine what he'll do when he wakes up to see him ruined!"

"He's gonna do to us what he did to those soldiers!!" the three boys screamed which Haruhi rolled her eyes at.

"There's no way that story is true. You guys are just over reacting." Haruhi sighed narrowing her eyes.

"It is true and there is even more evidence that it's true!" Tamaki leaned forward and put a hand to his mouth to emphasize the importance about what he was to whisper. "Honey-senpai's blood type is AB." Haruhi frowned.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Don't you get it Haruhi. That means he has the same blood type as Kyoya!" That simple line struck a cord with her and had her about as terrified as the others and turn to look at Kyoya who was still typing away on his laptop.

"Do you have a problem with my bloodtype?" Kyoya growled slightly not looking at the others.

"Yeah guys is there a problem with it cause you know, I have the same bloodtype." Shiro spoke narrowing his eyes at the four people by the couch. They all paled and gave him a deer in headlights look like he was going to kill them. They were quickly distracted by Honey making a noise and turning over on his side. 

"This is bad we have to do something quick before he wakes up." Tamaki said turning to the other three hiding behind the chair. He snapped his fingers ordering Hikaru and Kaoru to go off on some wild goose chase. When he pulled out a kids map and started explaining what they were to do Shiro zoned out and looked over to the sleeping figure of Honey. He himself was not really a morning person, but he didn't think that had to do with blood type it was more or less how one was raised. 

When Honey sat up and yawned Shiro finally tuned back in to see Tamaki trying to coheres Haruhi into a bunny suit and try to pretend to be Usa-chan to which she was flat out refusing do to it being ridiculous. 

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