[15] The Famous Host Club Almost Makes the Front Page!

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*Third Person POV*

It was the beginning of another school day and the Newspaper Club was in the middle of a meeting. They were struggling to even keep the club open at this point. No one ever wanted to buy a newspaper from them and the only people who did where members of the club itself. 

"The next edition will be the last one of the term. If we don't sell enough before summer starts the club will be shut down." The president of the club said as he stared out across the campus from the window behind his desk. "By the way how is that other club doing?" 

"Well sir as soon as the collections of books went on sale they were immediately sold out." 

"I should have known..." The president sighed heavily and glared out the window. "They are the ones with the most power here at Ouran." 

*At the Host club*

Shiro smiled at his guests as they examined the hydrangeas. They were after all in full bloom and were stunning to see. "These are so pretty. I never knew flowers could be like this."

"Well they aren't the only thing that is beautiful in this garden. You ladies put the flowers to shame." Shiro said smiling at the girls as they squealed in delight. He laughed inwardly at himself. It was actually a really good day for him and he was in a very playful happy mood. Shiro played with the silver pony tail extension as he waited for his guests to calm down. Him and the rest of the hosts were all dressed in kimonos that looked very traditional for men to wear. Of course adding the hair extensions was just a prop to see if the ladies would like it as well. 

"Haruhi! Look out!" Shiro looked up to see a ball coming straight at Haruhi and noticed Tamaki charge into her knocking the both of them down. 

"Gaaaaahhh HIKARU! You were this close to hitting Haruhi!" Shiro blinked wondering what the heck was going on over there. 

"Excuse me ladies. I'll be right back." They nodded and watched as he jogged lightly over to Haruhi kneeling down and helping her up.  "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Shiro-senpai. Thanks. So much for it being peaceful..." Shiro chuckled at her and helped brush off some leaves and dirt that had gotten on her clothes. Tamaki and the twins were arguing over something again, but Shiro payed no mind and was focused on making sure his friend was okay. 

"There that is most of the dirt. Hopefully Kyoya won't be so harsh on adding more to the debt for clothing damage." Haruhi paled slightly at the comment, but the two of them just laughed it off. 

"You seem to be in a very good mood today Shiro-senpai. Did something happen?" Shiro gave her a small smile of innocence acting as if nothing happened. 

"I may tell you later about it." He teased which made Haruhi smile. It was nice to see him finally open up a bit around everyone.  They continued talking for a bit until they heard the sound of glass shattering. "What on earth did that idiot do now." Shiro muttered as he saw Tamaki freaking out. 

Due to Tamaki's uncontrolled kick to the ball from earlier the entire host club was now sitting in the newspaper club with Tamaki being apologetically towards the club president. 

"Really I am truly sorry for what I did."

"Don't worry it's no big deal." The president said as one of the club members was holding an ice pack to his head. "It could have happened to anyone right it was just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head." Shiro noticed the amount of sarcasm in his voice as he helped clean up the glass from the window. 

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