[20] Where Do I Belong....?

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*The Next Morning*

I was still trembling from yesterday. I hadn't left my room since I patched myself up the night before. I was still disturbed by the dream last night too. Now I was staring at my mirror again and more specifically at the patch that covered the wound that my father, no that the man who I thought was my father gave me. It was most likely going to scar and it was going to be hard to come up with a reason as to why I got it. I could always say I got mugged, but I have a feeling that wouldn't get past the Host Club. I gripped the side of the sink until my knuckles started turning white. I understood now why I felt like such an outcast in my family. I was after all a mistake since the beginning. It was no wonder that I would always get the looks of disgust from everyone. Including my mother. I clenched my jaw and glared at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. Bruises scattered my body everywhere. Luckily nothing was broken and I had a feeling that he only did that so I wouldn't have to go to the hospital. He couldn't risk being caught in the act of abuse or else the entire family would get a bad reputation. Which meant I had to put up with it until I could get away. Or until I managed to disappear. I was honestly afraid of that man's power. If he really wanted to he could stage something where I could die for real this time.

I clutched my chest as images of all the fun times I had during the host club flashed through my mind again. I felt the tears running down my cheeks and my body shuddered with sobbing. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

The Host Club.

Everyone there was my real family. They made me feel so alive. Like I was important and that I belonged somewhere. My sister was right, they were everything to me. Every single one of them.

Tamaki: He was an idiot he still managed to bring us all together and really become a family. He always kept an open mind wanting to include everyone with everything. Doing it together to make even better and more happier memories. 

Kyoya: As much as I thought of the man to be a devil; he was a caring friend. A devious one, yet he was still there for all of us in his own way. 

Hikaru and Kaoru: They made things fun by pulling pranks or just overall going with the flow of things to bring smiles to everyone's face. They were opening up as well in the club and it made it a lot easier to be myself around them. 

Haruhi: She was a sweet girl. Someone I would call a close friend who would drop everything for those she cares about. She showed me understanding and I never knew that it had such a big impact on how I was really being treated by my own relatives. She stuck by my side through almost every obstacle the Host Club went through and I stuck by hers. 

Honey: With what he knew about my father and everything that he did to me, Honey still accepted me for who I was. He had a big heart that he was willing to share with everyone. Yet another person you had shown me my worth and made me feel like I was a part of something. 

Takashi: He may have been  distant to some, but I knew that he had been keeping an eye on me since I started there. Not to mention how close we became in a short amount of time. The kisses he gave me meant something more. The way he cared about someone like me meant more to me than anything. I really truly love him and I have ever since we first met back at nationals in middle school. I just never realized it until now.  

 Was there someway, anyway that I could be saved from my hell. The tears were falling faster and harder now. Them. With them is where I belong not here in this rotten family. 

"Someone please... Save me..." 

*Third Person POV*

It was nearing the end of summer and Tamaki wanted to do something fun with everyone. There was an upcoming event at the commoners mall that was happening on the last day of summer so they could all go then. However, he hasn't been able to get a hole of Shiro at all during the summer. Seems that he was busy with a lot of family things. Tamaki shook his head. For now he could plan something with everyone until school started up again. He grabbed his phone and called up the crew making the line a multi-call like he did before at the beginning of summer. 

"There's a festival tonight we should go see the fireworks!" Tamaki yelled excitedly into the phone. 

"That sounds wonderful Tama-chan!" Honey replied happily while he ate some cake. Mori hmmed in reply agreeing with Honey. 

"Sure boss we'll go to." The twins replied together. "We were bored anyway."

"Kyoya?" Tamaki asked with a smile that held the sound of a happy puppy. 

"Uh fine. It will at least give us all something to do." Tamaki made a small woofing noise.

"Hey hey Tama-chan will Shiro-chan be there too?" Tamaki frowned.

"I haven't been able to get a hold of him all summer." 

"Well it's no surprise." Kyoya said adjusting his glasses. "With the family just announcing the new family head I am sure they have been super busy." 

"Eeeehhhhhh? They have a new family head?" The others asked together. Including Mori who was honestly surprised. 

"Who is it Kyo-chan?" Honey asked. He was shaking slightly worried about who it could be. His family and Mori's family have been in competition with Shiro's for a long time.

"Ryou Nakamowa." Honey's and Mori's eyes widened in surprise. Shiro's father was the one who got the position of lead. Honey paled knowing what his father did to poor Shiro. He only hoped that Shiro was okay. 

"Wow I never knew that. In any case let's all meet up and find a good spot to watch the fireworks!" Tamaki said happily cheering. "Oh and let's pick up Haruhi along the way!" 

In a short few hours the Host Club had all met up near the pier where the fireworks where going to be shot off from. Everyone was there minus their beloved silver haired boy. However, they still seemed to make the best of the day before the sun set. 

"We should get Shiro a souvenir to give to him when we go back to school?" Haruhi said looking at a little trinket shop. The others agreed as they looked at the items to see what fit best. "Hey what about this?" Haruhi said grabbing a key chain that had eight roses on a red string all different colors with a golden charm at the end. 

"Don't you think that it's a little girly for a boy Haruhi?" Hikaru asked looking at the charm closely.

"I'm not sure if Shiro-senpai would like this." Kaoru said shaking his head.

"What do you mean? Look closer guys they may be roses, but it has everyone's signature rose color for the club. White for Tamaki-senpai, light blue and orange for Hikaru and Kaoru, light purple for Kyoya-senpai, pink and dark purple for Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai, red for me, and yellow for Shiro-senpai." The others all looked shocked at Haruhi's find. Yeah maybe it was a little girly, but it represented all of them and the strong bond they all shared together. It really was the perfect gift. 

"Right then with that settled shall we go watch the fireworks?" The group headed towards to spot they had heard about from Haruhi. Mori was holding Shiro's gift looking at it sadly. He was surprised by his own feelings about how much he wished the boy was here with him. 

They all laid down on the grass and stared into the sky waiting as the sky darkened to watch the fireworks. Even though the sky lit up beautifully with an array of colors and sounds, the Host Club all had one person on their mind. 

The one person who belonged in their family. 

Toshiro Nakamowa. 

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