[18] An Unfortunate Family Gathering

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*Shiro's POV*

I knew from that morning that things were going to be very stressful. I had kept my mouth shut all morning following orders that were given to me by my father and getting ready for the 'family' trip we were to be having. Today was grandmother's birthday and the day where we would find out who was to run the business next with her retirement coming shortly after. I was beyond nervous. Anything that could possibly go wrong for me probably would. After all everyone thought that I should have been kicked out after the passing of my sister years ago. Now that I think about it, it may have been even before that. 

We sat in the car silently as we drove through the forest to the main estate. It was a reclusive mansion that was hidden away up on a hill. It was a beautiful place if it wasn't run by my family that is. There was always an air of blood lust in the air around the place and it honestly made me sick. 

"Toshiro. Do your best to behave today. I don't want any trouble. Today is after all your grandmother's birthday." I simply nodded with a quiet yes sir and turned to look out the window seeing the gate show up in the distance. The mansion was straight out of the Victorian Era Hollywood scene. White marble stone slabs made up most of the walls but there were accents of gold sprinkled about. A majority of the building though was now covered in vines. I perked up seeing a bunch of tables outside and a majority of the family outside around talking. Grandma wasn't anywhere is sight yet so I assumed she was upstairs in the meeting room with the other heads of the branches. Which meant as soon as we left the car my father and mother went inside as I was left alone. 

"Well well if it isn't the Shrimp!" I turned to see one of my cousins, Nagisa, walking over to me. Behind him stood the other the other two cousins that always gave me a headache. 

"Nagisa. Oh and hey Rika, Namai." I put my hands in my pockets. I had to play nice with these three. 

"Hey Toshiro!" I looked at Rika. I could tell that she was forcing herself to be polite as well. "How is life at Ouran Academy?" I sighed this whole endeavor is going to be stressful. 

"It's alright. It's a school full of rich kids." Rika tapped her chin curiously. "Well how is school in England. It's honestly surprising all three of you could make it for Grandmother's birthday." Namai, Nagisa and Rika were all siblings of another branch family that had sent all of them away to a boarding school in England. They were all musically talented, but of course they were also prodigies in kendo and martial arts. They were by far the star trio in the family. Not to mention the most ruthless. 

"Hey you four everyone is starting to gather in the main hall!" We all turned to see the famous actress and most annoying aunt Sui Ananta. She made her way through the ranks of being an actress mainly from doing her own stunts. 

"Coming Aunt Sui!" Rika yelled as she pulled her brothers along behind her. I slowly followed after them. A large family gathering like this is really spelled trouble for almost everyone. I took my seat next to Rika and the other cousins that had shown up. There were about six of us total at least around my age. Three younger boys all Aunt Sui's kids. I looked around the long table. The heads of the different branches all sat on either side of the head which is where my grandma was to be seated. She wasn't here yet. I sat quietly in my place trying to shrink back. It was a special day after all. Maybe just for once everyone would put on a mask and play nice. 

So far things were going well. The room was full with chatter of families catching up on missed events. It was when Grandma had entered the room that everyone shut up and stood in sync. We all bowed as she made her way to her seat. 

"Go ahead and sit." She spoke and we all followed what she said. "Now I know this family gathering isn't just for my birthday. Although I do appreciate you all coming for such a simple matter. However, we are actually gathered here today to announce the next heir to lead our family. There has been much talk about who and we have made a decision." I sat tense waiting to find out who could possibly be the next one to lead our messed up family. The one who would make the most sense would be Uncle Souske. He was very level headed and probably the most organized. If he lead the company family name then things would most likely go well for the company. The only man I hoped didn't get it was my own father. He was ruthless both in the industry and on the mat. If he became company heir then I was in more trouble with my family. "Now for the announcement of who is going to take my place."  I sat on the edge of my seat. I noticed that almost everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seat. "Please stand, Ryou Nakamowa." 

Time slowed around me as I felt the blood drain from my face. I slowly turned to see my father standing a blank look on his face. I gulped. 'Of everyone here why did it have to be him' I thought as I felt a cold claw clamp around me. 

"I promise I will keep to family traditions and see our company move forward." He bowed as everyone around us clapped. I found myself clapping slowly as well. 

"Now then with that settled let us all enjoy lunch." Servants flooded into the room with food setting it down in front of us. Everyone gave thanks for the food before digging in. I hesitated a bit before eating as well. I didn't have much of an appetite though. After all my life was about to become more of a living hell.   

After lunch everyone filed outside to give Grandma her gifts. A lot of them ranged from clothing to jewelry. I took this chance to slip away to give myself some time to think. Thankfully no one noticed me slipping away into the garden. I looked around for the one place that my sister and I used to come to whenever we visited. I had no clue if it was even still around, but there was no harm in looking. I sighed heavily and looked up towards the sky. 

"There's nothing I can do now." I was distracted by the sound of a small meow coming from some bushes. I turned to look back at it and saw amber eyes staring back at me. A white head of a cat poked it's head from the bush it was hiding in and walked over to me. "What are you doing in a place like this?" I went to kneel down and call it over only for it to run away from me. It paused at the entrance of the next garden section as if it wanted me to follow. "What is it you want to show me kitty?" I followed after it deeper into the garden until we exited and were walking down a very overgrown path in the woods. 

"Meow." I panted trying to catch my breath looking at the white cat curiously as it waited for me. 

"I am crazy for following a cat, but I guess it's better than being back there." The cat had jumped through a bush meowing from the other side for me to follow again. "Alright alright I am coming already." I pushed apart the bushes to come across a small cave that was overgrown with foliage. "Wow.." 

"Mrreow." I looked towards the cat who was waiting for me to enter in the cave with him. 

"What could possibly be inside that you so badly want me to see." I ducked under a vine and was surprised to see a bunch of papers scattered about the cave. "What the heck is all this?" Most of the papers were ruined beyond reading, but some things were readable. The weirdest thing I found was a paper with names on it.  A loud crash from further in nearly made me jump from shock. "Oi you silly cat you better not have hurt yourself." I put the paper back down standing up going in further. Thanks to the light outside it lit up the place relatively well. I saw the cat crawl out of a box that it had knocked over. "There you are." He only meowed at me looking at the papers in turn. "Hm?" I leaned down and froze from the first page I saw. I lifted it up slowly pulling it closer to inspect. "Why is my face in these papers?" It was indeed me when I was younger. I barely felt the cat rubbing against my knee as if to give me some sort of comfort. I read further down the page my eyes scanning quickly. "T-target: Toshiro Nakamowa. Mission: Make his death look like an accident. He would be going to an amusement park with Kira Nakamowa and Cyline Nakamowa. Hit the car with enough force to kill the youngest on impact, but leave the other two alive. Failure to do so will lead to termination." 

"Meooow." I was trembling and my heart rate felt unnaturally fast. 

"The car accident was staged?" I gripped the paper tightly looking further down to see who had ordered this. "R-Ryou Nakamowa." 

My own father had been planning my death since that far back. Why though? What did I ever do to him? More importantly did he even consider the risk that my sister or even mother could have died. I gripped the paper in my hand tightly. 

What did this mean for me now that my father was the new head of the family? 

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