[8] A Pool Vacation Getaway?

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*Shiro's POV*

I have been kidnapped. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be wanted for kidnapping, but here I am sitting stiff in the car with my captors as we headed for some remote location that I was not to know about. It wasn't until I was thrown out of the car that I fully was confused.

"This is a tropical resort?" I asked looking back at my captors from the spot on the ground. They only smiled at me while Tamaki went over to Haruhi who was also in awe.

"Behold Haruhi. Bask in the beauty of the tropical birds. Aren't they beautiful? I wonder what they are?"

"Um.. Where was that exit again." I crawled over to her tugging on her jacket. She looked down at me with no expression

"Please take me with you?!" I whispered loudly. She sighed as Tamaki rambled on about enjoying ourselves and to let ourselves have a vacation from our beautiful selves. Honestly he is an idiot.

"Personally I think this is just a waste of time. So can I go home now?" Haruhi muttered emotionlessly. "I have a lot of studying and a ton of laundry to do today. Senpai where are we anyway?"

I huddled by a tree really just wanting to run away and go back home to the somewhat safety of my home. "This place is a brand new theme park that my family runs. It's called the Tropical Aqua Garden." Kyoya stated swirling a glass of some fruity drink. Haruhi looked over at Kyoya curiously while I stayed by the tree watched everyone defensively.

"I don't understand I thought your family was in charge of hospitals and focused on medical businesses?" Kyoya smiled.

"Yes, but my family likes to diversify with different things. Besides this place could be classified as a healing facility. "

"Hmm." Haruhi grunted and turned to see a huge pool area with a huge slide.

"It's therapeutic. Think of all the people who are overworked that would love to get away for a vacation, but don't have the time or money to fly off somewhere to a nice tropical area. Those people can now seek refuge here at this theme park to reduce their stress levels."

"If you didn't kidnap the guests I'm sure it would be." I glared at Kyoya who merely shrugged. I sighed and looked out towards the water to see Hikaru and Kaoru throwing a beach ball to each other while Takashi had Honey on his shoulders laughing and waving to everyone. Kyoya was explaining something about us getting a first time pre-run of the place when Tamaki did a dramatic hand-through-hair thing before sinking more into his chair relaxed. I on the other hand was definitely not relaxed. I hated places like this.

"Haru-chan! Wanna share some coconut juice with me or do you want to try a piece of the mango cake!?" He was all flowery again.

"Yeah sure I'll have some juice with you." Honey smiled widely and dragged Haruhi off to god knows where.

"Now I'm left alone without any sane person to talk to." I muttered still in my spot away from the others. "Someone please let me escape." I watched as Hikaru and Kaoru were asking Haruhi questions. I saw her making hand motions and curiously got up to listen.

"It's about this big and to use it you need to pump it full of air." Haruhi explained.

"You dunce." Hikaru said harshly.

"That's an inflatable boat dummy." I blinked confused by their conversation and just walked away before it got even more weird. I glanced around and saw Takashi staring off into space, Honey eating cake, and Kyoya and Tamaki relaxing in chairs. I sighed.

"How long is this going to be." Tamaki suddenly jumped and grabbed the twins muttering to them. "I knew it would get weird."

"Should I be offended by that comment." I heard Haruhi mutter annoyed.

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