[9] A Beach Getaway... With Guests.

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(This is kinda a long chapter like almost 4000 words or so. Enjoy!)

Shiro walked in to the club room at the weirdest time. Models were decked out in various bathing suits and the twins were trying to get Haruhi to pick one out.

"Um is there a reason for all the swim suits?" Shiro asked completely confused.

"We're going to the beach Shiro-chan!" Honey announced running forward to hug him.

"Alright everyone! Let's go to the beach!" Tamaki announced confusing Shiro even more.

"Now?" he questioned to no one in particular as he followed the others

The view of the startling blue water washing up against the pale sand was beautiful. The calming sound the waves made were slowly putting Shiro to sleep as he laid out on his towel under the big umbrella he shared with Haruhi. Shiro was glad that he got the chance to relax, but being on Kyoya's private beach in Okinawa with guests didn't give him the ideal beach experience that he would have wanted.

Tamaki was off doing private one on one flirting on a rock just a little out of the water a long line of girls waiting their turn. The twins were playing volleyball with a beach ball with their guests purposefully having the ball get away from them so the boys could chase each other while going after the ball pulling an act for their brotherly love. Kyoya was directing the line of girls for Tamaki while Haruhi just sighed at the sight.

"This sucks." Haruhi stated causing Shiro to crack an eye open to look at her. "I thought going to the beach was going to be a day off." Haruhi looked over at Mori and Honey who were doing really weird stretching routine with some girls. Shiro sat up to look at her.

"I know what you mean Haruhi. I would rather this be a day off too." Haruhi smiled lightly before sighing. It was then that the two were interrupted by some girls.

"Um. Haruhi, Shiro-senpai, do you want to go swimming with us?" A short haired brunette asked while two others stood by her. The regulars for the duo. Shiro smiled politely to the girls while Haruhi spoke for the both of them.

"No thanks. I like looking at the sea."

"It's very calming girls would you like to join us?" Shiro stepped in partaking as his part of a host. "Wouldn't want you to ruin that pretty skin of yours in the harsh sun." The girls blushed before Haruhi took up her part as a host as well.

"Although you got those cute swimsuits why not show them off, you should go swim." The girls awed at them with hearts floating about them.

"I can't believe he dragged us into this." Hikaru said picking up the beach ball.

"Who would have thought about bringing the ladies with us?" Kaoru answered.

"We wouldn't have expected it." Hikaru sighed.

Shiro laid back down and closed his eyes again. "Sleep sounds nice..." he muttered before settling into a light sleep. Haruhi glanced at him closely seeing dark bags under his eyes.

'Maybe some sleep would do him good.' Haruhi thought as she watched the others. Honey was chasing a girl while the twins were talking with Kyoya who was writing away in his notebook. Tamaki was in a lounge chair relaxing next him. He was already in his other world with Haruhi in a swimsuit with just the two of them doing who knows what.

Haruhi got up and decided to walk down the beach. She stopped when she saw Honey kneeling down and putting something into a bucket.

"Hey Haru-chan do you want to go hellfish shunting with me!?"

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