Chapter 4: Gone

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Chapter 4:

Joey's P.O.V

The moment I got to the party I had this odd feeling something bad was going to happen. Kira had convinced me to keep Blake from my mind. After about 4 hours she finally won and he was put from my mind. That was until he showed up to the party and kept staring at me. I knew he hated me so I didn't look at him no matter how much I wanted to run to him I kept my emotions set on one thing. My second best friend, Luke. He and Kira had been there for me since day 1. I knew since we were 7 that Luke had the biggest crush on me. Though he didn't know I knew. At least I hoped he didn't. The three of them were all dancing together when Kira decided she needed a drink but told Luke to keep me dancing. So I decided to drive his inner wolf mad with lust and grinded up against him. This time I think I went to far though. When the song switched to a slow dance he whipped me around and pulled my arms up around his neck and we danced like that for a moment and then what he did next shocked me beyond belief. He bent his head down and kissed me softly. Before I could react he was ripped from me and I gasped reaching out "Luke!" Then I saw who had ripped him away. Blake. I snapped he had no right. I shoved him away from Luke with such force I shocked myself. I was so full of anger the words poured right out of me. I had rendered him speechless which was surprising. Then I stormed out into the backyard and found my way to an old swing. I didn't remember half of what I had screamed at him but it hurt my wolf of how much anger I had towards him. I tried soothing her but it wasn't easy then suddenly arms had wrapped around me and I jumped forward and turned around so fast I saw black and red spots in my vision. It was Blake of course it was. His lips moved but I didn't really hear what he said and I stood there in silence for what seemed like a very long time. I knew what was coming and I told him exactly how I felt. I knew he didn't want me and what only made it worse was when he agreed. Not only did my wolf hurt but so did I not because I was inlove with him but because ever since I'd lost my parents the only ones I had to love me was my uncle and his mate. Though I made them promise not to tell anyone. Only Luke and Kira knew that I was the Alpha's niece and that I was to take his place. Just as Blake would take his fathers place as Beta.

The moment the words 'I reject you' left his mouth my heart broke and so did my wolfs. I was a broken wolf. I didn't have anything to say to him not now and never again. I turned and ran for the trees shifting midstride. I couldn't look at him and I didn't want to. I wanted to be alone.

Hours later I knocked on my Uncles door and he opened it tiredly "What is it dear?" Then he saw the years streaming down my face and pulled me into the room. My aunt ran to me and pulled me into a hug she soothed me and per my hair trying to calm me. I just kept sobbing and crying and I didn't care. My mate the one person who was suppose to love me and care for me more than anyone had just rejected me. I slowly got the story out between my sobs. My uncle had grown furious I was like a daughter to them. They had raised me and they had no children so I was all they had. I knew they would move mountains for me.

After a long night of crying and hugging I had fallen asleep in my aunts arms. When the sun began to rise I finally woke up. I looked at my aunt who was awake but hadn't let me go all night I smiled slightly "Don't make me go to that school. " I whispered. "Shhh" she soothed "it's alright. We'll find you a tutor and you can stay with them at the cabin and they can train you to be ready to take your uncles place as Alpha when you're older. " slowly the smile came back to my face. That day my aunt and up my things while my uncle found me a private trainer/tutor. By days end all my stuff and my new "nanny" as I called her were all set up at our house.

~~2 Months Later~~

Blake's P.O.V

The days became a blur since she had disappeared. No one had seen her and I had begun to worry. Okay I was beyond worried. I frantic and terrified. I had even asked Kira where Joey was my response I guess I should've expected. "Fuck off asshole. Maybe if you hadn't rejected her she'd be here!" And with that he had stormed off dragging Luke with her. They obviously knew where she was. Someone had to. Anyone. She had to have at least someone beside Kira and Luke. As I sat there listening to the Alpha and Beta talk my mind was on Joey and I had missed something they said to me. "What?'

Alpha Logan huffed "Hopefully when your Beta you won't always be in the clouds." His tone was bitter like he was angry with me or something. For a reason other than the fact I had zoned off in the meeting. "I'm sorry Alpha did you need something." I dipped my head in respect.

The Alpha nodded, "As I was saying. More rogues have been spotted crossing the borders from the Shadow Pack's territory. It's becoming frequent and some have begun worrying. " "what should we do?" I asked him watching him more closely now. I keep hoping he would announce who was going to be Alpha when I became Beta but he refused to tell anyone. For whoever the successor was didn't want special treatment.

The only hint we had was the wolf was his sister's pup. Though I had no idea who it was. Whomever it was never had training with me like they were suppose to. They didn't go to school either. They were homeschooled. The Alpha had told us that at graduation senior year his successor would be announced. The pack trusted him so no one questioned him though it was suspicious that no one had any idea of who it could possibly be. "Shouldn't the future Alpha be here to hear this. " I said out loud then realized it had come out of my mouth. I had only meant to think it not say it.

The Alpha's head turned and looked directly into my eyes "The future Alpha has already been informed and is training right now. " then he looked away his gaze emotionless as he talked to my father.

When he dismissed us I sulked off into the forest alone. Once again I went searching for her scent I had to find her and take back what I said. Though after all this time I doubted she'd forgive me.

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