Chapter 8: Forgiveness

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Chapter 8:

Joey's P.O.V.

The moment my uncle cleared his throat I pulled free and ran for it. I leaped right over the railing and ran for the trees. His distraction was what I had needed to get free from those dreamy green eyes.

'No! Snap out of it! He's not dreamy he's an ass!' I growled at myself. As soon as I was out of sight I slipped out of my jean shorts and tank top and tossed my clothing up into a tree and shifted into my jet black wolf form and started running. I needed to get away from him.

I couldn't fall for his charm after all he's done to me. To us. My wolf whimpered 'He loves us.' I shook my head 'No he feels guilty.' I continued to argue internally with my wolf.

I didn't hear paws coming up behind me until they broke a twig that is. I whipped around just as a group of rouges leaped on top of me. I let out a yelp and quickly threw them off.

I growled and all of my training kicked in. I fought off the five rouges but I wouldn't last long without help. I was already wounded.

Snarling I launched myself at one of the rouges latching onto its neck biting hard until I tasted blood then I was ripped off by another rouge. I needed help. Just then a large brown wolf burst through the trees and leaped on one of the rouges. His appearance distracted me for the slightest moment.

The white rouge saw my distraction and lunged for my throat latching on. I yelped in pain and threw her off. I was losing to much blood. Red and black spots started to appear in my vision and I stumbled backwards into a tree collapsing with a thud.

Everything was fuzzy but I watched as Blake chased the rouges off. I slowly began to close my eyes but I mad them open once more and I saw the dark brown wolf return and it liked my face 'Joey?' He whimpered telepathically. I gave a slight nod then fell into the darkness.

Blake's P.O.V.

I spotted her stashed clothes and put mine with hers then shifted and followed her scent into the forest. I followed it for a few miles when I noticed a few other scents had laced with hers. I wasn't the only one following her.

I sped up and suddenly heard her yelp. She was hurt. This pissed me off. I took off and launched myself through the trees and yanked the wolf from her. The rouge was badly injured when I finished with it.

Another rouge had leaped onto her. I was about to yank that one away too but she managed to fight it off herself. When she collapsed against the tree all I could smell was her blood. The rouges were already badly injured she'd done a good job on her own but she couldn't take on 5 wolves on her own.

So filled with anger I chased them away. In fear the rouges ran all the way over the border and out of our territory. I ran back to her 'Joey?' She gave me a small nod but then her eyes closed and didn't reopen. I like her face.




I was beyond worried I continued to lick her fur trying to get something from her. I knew she wasn't dead I could see the wounds slowly starting to heal but they were healing too slowly. She was losing too much blood.

I let out a loud howl calling for help. Within minutes the Alpha appeared. The moment he saw her he pushed me aside 'Joey!?' He seemed to be as upset as I was. I knew she was a pack mate but it looked like it was more than that.

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