Chapter 21: Ceremony

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Chapter 21:

Joey's P.O.V.

Opening my eyes I looked up at the white tiles of our pack house hospital. I groaned remembering what happened. Sitting up slowly I rubbed my forehead with hand and groaned.

"Look who's finally up."

The voice practically made me jump out of my skin an my head snap up. Everything was unfocused for a moment and I blinked a few times then the image before me cleared. Grant sitting in the bedside chair. He wore baggy jeans and a tight black v-neck that clung just right to his muscles. "What are you doing here?" I asked still trying to focus on anything but the pounding in my head.

He chuckled and it made me smile even with the pain in my head.

"Well missy. I had to make sure you were okay. I did bring you home."

His last sentence caught my attention back away from the pounding. "That was you."

He nodded and took my hand. "You've been out for a week." that news shocked me. Looking up at his face I noticed the bags under his eyes.



"Can you get my mother. She's the Luna. Something bad is happening. I had this awful...never mind" I shook my head slowly "I am rambling but can you get her?"

Grant nodded and stood disappearing out of the door and a gasp left my mouth and I gripped the sheets as pain shoot throughout me a scream escaping my lips.

"Joey!" I could hear Grant's voice but everything was white. I could see nothing. The pain. It was like hot white irons were being shoved up my nails and my blood was boiling. My body shook.

"Daddy!" He's dying. his power was transferring to me. My dream wasn't just a dream it was real. I could feel his power seeping into every cell and it burned it hurt so much. Gripping the sheets I felt each bone breaking as I began to shift slowly into my wolf form. This time would be as painful as my first shift. A scream left my lips again and I felt a head rest on my back as I ripped out of the hospital gown. I now continued to shake completely naked but the hand pulled away with a gasp of pain. My body was burning up. Another scream left me and then it was all gone nothing but a peaceful bliss. Laying there as a jet black wolf. The pain was gone. Panting I opened my eyes and looked up at the person who had burned their hand on my skin, Grant. he was still holding his hand in pain but his wolf abilities was healing him quickly. Closing my eyes I slipped into unconsciousness.

Opening my eyes I saw the growingly familiar white tiles. Groaning I sat up rubbing my face and looked at my hands. Sometime in my unconscious state I had shifted back. Looking down I realized I was still naked and pulled the sheet closer to me and jumped the sound of snoring. Grant was asleep in the chair beside my bed again. A smile crept onto my face.

Wrapping the sheet around my body I slipped from the room and down the hall. Opening the closet I slipped inside and closed the door and dropped the sheet and pulled on a doctor jacket and buttoned it up.

Walking out of the pack hospital I walked across the yard towards the pack house. I had to find my mother. Walking across the patio through the back door and into the dining hall I listened for my mother. She was sobbing softly in her room. Walking quickly through the house I made my way tithe Luna's room. I burst through the door and raced to her side years streaming down her face. "Momma!"

She hugged me tightly and we cried for what seemed like years. An hour, however, was only the small amount of time that had passed util she pulled away and looked at me. "We-we have to d-do your ceremony." her voice stuttered as she sniffed and rubbed her eyes.

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