Chapter 20: I Got You

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Chapter 20:

Joey's P.O.V

Pacing back and forth across the floor in my room I contemplated my plan. How could I save them? I had to save them. What was I going to do? This family took out two wolves. They were obviously wolves. Rouges don't just move into a new territory without some motive. Taking them wasn't just on a whim. Doing this was suicide. Once I went in I knew there was no going back. Closing my eyes I knew I couldn't go to my father. This was my chance. My chance to prove I could lead this pack and make the right decisions. This plan was completely nuts but I knew it could work. They were pack. They were my best friends. I had to save them.

About 20 minutes later I walked past the house and sure enough the father was outside. What was his name? Howard? Harry? Horace? Henry Silvermoon! That's it! "Good evening Mr. Silvermoon." I forced an overly cheery smile on my face and waved walking towards him. He was so repulsing towards me. His being made my stomach flop. I wanted to hurl right there in the street.

Henry lifted his head and grinned excitedly. Too excitedly. Oh dear what have I gotten myself into? "Call me Henry dear."

I just smiled at him sweetly and looked up at him as he spoke again.

"My daughter Grace is inside. She's your age. She's been waiting to meet you. Or anyone or that matter. Why don't you come inside an stay for dinner. I'm sure she would love it."

His voice that haunted my dreams for weeks made its way to my oversensitive ears as he invited me inside his house. Looking at it now it seemed too perfect and scary even. I couldn't speak so I kept the smile on my face and just nodded. Before I knew it I was at the doorstep staring inside. The moment I stepped through the threshold there was no going back. If I didn't get Kira and Luke I was screwed permanently.

After meeting the mother Holly and the godlike son Grant I heard footsteps thundering down the hallway. Just then Grace bear hugged me like we were the best of friends.

Her high pitched over cheery voice rang in my ears, "We are gonna be the best of friends! Oh my gosh! Is that the new Verture Jacket?!"

I stared at her incredulously and the ret of the house remained silent. They were all waiting for my reaction. "One condition." I stared crossing my arms. Her eyes widened. "You have to teach me how you did your hair! Oh an yes it is." I giggled. Though I didn't mean it. I couldn't take it out on her. For all I knew she had nothing todo with my friends disappearance. It could have all been her father. I just had to find a way to get into the basement where they were being held.

Being dragged down the hallway by Grace, or as she told me to call her, Gracie I was dragged into her room which just happened to be next to the basement door. Or at least that's what it looked like because all of the other doors were open and showed the rooms. Right now wasn't the time to investigate rooms. Now was the time to investigate her new so called "best friend".

As she droned on I pretended to listen and played my part well as I searched for my real best friends. They were here that was for certain. So far so good the plan was going smoothly. Step one was already complete. Step two was halfway. They were located but not yet freed. Step three get our asses out of here. I couldn't wait for that step. Her room was too pink. This place was too perfect. Too try hard. I had to push now. It was time for step two to become hard. Time to free them. Turning to Gracie I grinned. "Have you met the neighbor?"

Something flashed in her eyes. I saw it. What was it? Guilt. Regret. Remorse even? I wasn't sure.

"No I haven't. I wish though. "

She was lying I could see it in her eyes. Though if I said that it would blow my cover. So I took a different tactic. "Oh that's too bad. Luke's wicked hot. I dated him. He's wicked amazing in-" I was cut off as she lunged for my throat with a shriek, "You what?!"

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