Chapter 3: Rejected

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Chapter 3:

Blake's P.O.V

I watched as Mr. Murphy called out people's names and groaned as I heard him say my name right after Joey Moon's. She may be the Alpha's niece but that didn't change the fact of how unpopular she was. She was beyond weird and everyone knew it. At least anyone popular did. No one knew where she came from or why she was here but she appeared here 11 years ago when the Alpha had disappeared for almost a month.

Sighing I slunk over to my seat next to her. She didn't look at me and I didn't look at her. I zoned out and didn't pay attention until the little weird kid Will or Willie or whatever his name was opened the window and a warm breeze blew in.

Just as suddenly as the girl next to me stiffened I did as well the scent was so intoxicating and it drove my inner wolf crazy he knew it was the scent of our mate. It was warm and it smelled of cinnamon and vanilla. I instantly fell in love with the scent. It was similar to my own but mine was cinnamon and apples.

I glanced at the girl next to me as it hit me she was my mate. It was her. 'Why?!' I thought to myself and her head snapped and looked right at me as soon as the thought left my brain 'Why what?' She asked me telepathically.

My bright forest green eyes that just moments ago were filled with love turned black and filled with hatred. Hatred not towards her but towards the fact my mate was weak and pathetic.

Suddenly her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. Just as I had begun to open my mouth the bell rang and she stood as bolted from the classroom. Her friend Kira running behind her glancing back at me. Glancing wasn't quite the word glaring was more like it.

I sighed ad stood shutting out my wolf for he was beyond angry with me for hurting our mate. I walked from the class and decided to ditch the rest of the day. I needed to clear my head.

That night I went to the party and sure enough there she was with Kira and there little group of nobodies.

I watched them from the other side of the room. I watched as her and some male danced together grinding on each other. This forced a snarl to leave my lips.

She was my mate and no one should be touching her like that except for me. I realized my wolf was trying to take over and I pushed him back. I didn't know what had come over me.

Why was I jealous of some nobody whose name I didn't even know and Joey dancing?

My wolf growled at me 'She's our mate that's why.' I pushed him away 'Shut up! She's not my mate! That thing will never be my mate!' I growled and shut my wolf out I was not in the mood.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and calmed myself. Opening my eyes once more I looked towards where she had been moments ago and there she stood her arms wrapped around another male's neck while she kissed him.

That pushed me over the edge and I stormed over and yanked him off of her "Stay away from her!" I growled at him.

Joey gasped and reached for the male "Luke!"

So that was his name Luke. My eyes were as dark and black as coal. I held the puny male by the collar of his dark blue shirt. I snarled "i'll rip you apart if you ever touch her like that again!"

The music kept blaring in the back ground but some still noticed us. Suddenly I was shoved back with a strong force I first thought had been Luke but ended up being short, petite, little Joey. The strength behind her shove shocked me. I stared at her in utter shock. Why had she done that? Her eyes were full of anger but mostly pain. "Don't touch him! You have no right to hurt him or touch him! Your not my boyfriend! Your not even my friend so you have no right to treat them like that! None!" She screamed at me and I was still in shock. I was wrong she wasn't weak and pathetic but strong and fiery and hot.

I opened my mouth to say something but she didn't let me she turned on her heel and stormed away. I stared after her confused as to why she was treating me. Her mate. Like this. What had I ever done to her?

Then I remembered when she had first come here my friends and I had made fun of her and teased her. Though she never once tattled or ran and complained. For 11 years she had been teased and tormented but none if it showed until just now how much she hated me. It pained me to think of all the things I'd done to her. It was then I realized my wolf had resurfaced. The moment I shut him out I felt nothing again for Joey and walked away. I ended up outback and away from the party when the scent hit me again. Her scent. The scent I loved so much. Quickly I followed it and found her alone sitting on a old wooden swing. Quietly I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist "Boo!" She gasped and jumped out of the swing and away from me. Her shock turned to hated which then turned to pain and betrayal.

"What?" She muttered crossing her arms underneath her plump perky breasts. This caused them to push up slightly and caused them to stand out more.

I smirked "that's no way to talk to your mate is it?"

She paused watching me as if waiting for something. Though she didn't answer me. We stood there in silence for what seemed like hours when finally she opened her mouth to speak. "You don't want me. I saw it in your face today in class. You hate me. You always have. "

I stared at her waiting to see if she'd continue. "You're right. I don't want you. How could someone like me want a nobody like you. You even have a guys name for crying out loud! You are nothing to me." I saw the tears form in her eyes she already knew what I was about to say. "I Blake Taylor reject you Joey Moon as my mate" my wolf howled inside me in protest he shunned me. His heart was broken and he was a broken wolf and I knew it was going to kill me but I was not going to be with her not now not ever.

I saw it in her eyes as the rejection hit her hard. A sob left her lips and she turned and ran shifting into her jet black wolf form and ran faster away from him. Her heartbroken howls echoed for him to hear as she disappeared into the forest. Her howls hurt not just my wolf but myself as well. It wasn't then that I realized what a mistake I had made but it was the very next day. She didn't show up for school. Not the day after that. Almost 3 weeks had passed and there was still no sign from her. As each day passed the pain and loss inside me only grew more. What had I done?

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