Chapter 22: Mated

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Chapter 22:

Joey's P.O.V.

Sitting at my father's desk I ran my finger over the old oak wood and smiled remembering all the times I'd hidden under the desk playing hide and seek with him. Of course then he was fun and over protective Uncle Logan but at least it all makes sense as to why now. Now that I was the leader of this pack I had to know what was going on in it so I'd raided my father's study. For the past seven hours I'd done nothing but read file after file in this desk and organize it. Battle plans, treaties, enemies, attack strategies. I had even found a drawer of love notes between my mother and father. I put them in the safe hidden behind the large wolf painting. Yes very clíche I know but oh well.

Walking over to the window I look out at the moonlit grass and sighed I had yet to speak to my Beta. My ex-mate. Blake. Ugh. I even hate the sound of his name. Maybe somewhere in these files or books it might say something I can do about getting rid of your ex-mate Beta thing. I knew all of our laws by heart but I was over thinking it and I knew it. I could easily demote him but I'd need reason other than he irritates me. I stopped. I had reason.

A smirk fell upon my lips. He had an affair while being mated to an Alpha. That's treason. Perfect. Walking to my father's study door, well I guess it's mine now, my study door and opening a familiar welcoming scent hit my nose. A scent that use to melt my heart now tasted like acid.

"Blake." I growled.

My eyes met his and he looked at me his eyes full of sorrow and pain. "Can I come in?"

I hesitated but then stepped aside and let him in and closed the door. "What do you want?"

Turning to look at him I watched as he stared at me in my tight short shorts and low V neck. Snapping my fingers to regain his attention back to my face I glared at him. "If you don't hurry up and talk I'm leaving I have more important things to do."

"I want to leave the pack." His voice was so quiet I almost missed him.

"Wait what? After everything you just wanna leave. So you can be with Ariel I'm guessing."

Blake nodded slowly.

Acid practically filled my mouth. I wanted so desperately to kill him on the spot. "I'll consider your request. Now go."


"I said GO!!!" 

Quickly he left closing the door behind him. Snarling I chucked a lamp against the wall shattering it. Curling up in a ball on the ground I let the tears fall he may not be my mate but it still hurt a lot. Choosing that whore over his pack was a new low even for him. In the morning I would call a pack meeting.

When morning came and the pack had gathered I announced that their Beta would be leaving. Gasps came from the crowd.

"Yes. It came as a shock to me as well that Beta Blake wanted to leave for a rogue that he had an affair with while he was mated to me." I stopped and stared at the pack. "Now he wishes to leave with her. So I am granting his request. However if he is spotted on our territory again he is to be treated like any other rogue."

There was multiple "Yes Luna"'s and a few grumbles.

Blake stood and walked next to me and bowed his head. I nodded and watched as he grabbed his bag then walked away without so much as a glance back even at his family. Disgust filled me as I watched him go. Turning back to my pack I took a deep breathe.

"In light of resent events we will be needing a new Beta. So as my father once did we will be holding a Beta challenge and the champion will become the Beta." A few whoops of excitement came from the crowd and I grinned.

"The games will begin at noon. Meeting dismissed."

As the backyard cleared out I walked over to Blake's family and spoke with them for a moment. I could tell his mom was on the verge of crying. Resting my hand on her shoulder I tried to soothe her. Her mate looked as upset as she was but he composed himself more. He tried calming his mate as well especially in front of their new Luna. After giving them my apologies I left them to grieve alone and went back to my study to find it wasn't empty. Grant was sitting in my chair behind my desk.

"Can I help you?" I asked closing my study door behind me. People sure did like this room.

Staring at me he remained silent for what seemed like year's I felt like I was going to die if he didn't answer soon.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's not polite to stare?" I smirked at my smart remark but he remained silent.

Sighing I turned away and went over towards my bookcase and reached up for a book when I felt his hand grab my wrist and the electricity shot through me. It was like we were mates. Just as Lu had said. Oh my. She wasn't kidding. It wasn't a dream. Suddenly he had me pinned up against the bookcase his lips hard against mine. His kiss was so hard and passionate but his lips were so soft and perfect as if they were made for mine. It sounds so stupid but it was the perfect kiss. I ran my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer no longer taken by surprise. I wanted this. I needed this. I needed him.

Noon came way too quickly. I couldn't believe myself. I'd just had sex on a bookcase. I didn't want to go watch a bunch of wolves compete for the Beta position now. Grant had left once we had finished so I'm guessing it had meant nothing to him. He was playing with my emotions from Blake to get into my pants. Cheeky bastard. He wouldn't have to even play nothing only ask I would've let him but not now. Not after that. Screwing me and leaving me alone. Fixing my hair and clothes I came from my study and went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face and dried it with a towel trying to cool down. It was going to be a very long day as it was no need to make it worse by worrying about a stupid jerk right now.

"Shit." I muttered noticing something on my neck and it wasn't a hickey. He'd marked me. I was mated. We'd mated on a fucking bookcase. "Oh I'm going to kill him." 

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