Chapter 16: The Silvermoon Family

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Chapter 16:

Luke's P.O.V.

Staring at the white tiled ceiling of my kitchen I used the pack link to reach Joey. She'd disappeared off the face of the earth without any trace. Sighing as I came up to a wall again.

Everyone knew she was with Blake. They had both disappeared at the same time.

This just seemed to infuriate me more. The two of them alone, who knows what he'll coax her into.

A small growl left me lips. Why did she leave? Why did my Joey leave without so much as a note or text?

What if she found out? The question popped into my head and my eyes widened then I shook my head. No she couldn't have no one even knows who she's actually related too. Right?

Groaning I rubbed my face with my hands and stood up as the doorbell rang. I quickly went to the door and opened it.

"Have they found her yet?"

Shaking my head I sighed, "No."

Kira groaned, "Why would she leave and not tell us? it's too dangerous or her to just up and leave. doesn't she realize this yet?" she growled and paced as she rambled on. I knew she was frustrated just like Alpha Logan, Luna, and I all were.

"You don't think she found out did you?" Kira suddenly asked an stopped pacing to look me in the eye.

I shook my head. "How could she have? Only four of us actually knew and none of us told her."

Kira sighed and plopped onto my couch. "We're best friends we tell everything to each other. do you know how hard it's been to keep this a secret from her. Of course I understand why an all but she's almost of age."

There she goes rambling again. I looked down at my phone and sent yet another text to Joey begging her to at least let us know she's okay.

If she'd died then the whole pack would have felt it. Nothing. So we at least knew she wasn't dead. That was at least some relief.


I shook my head and looked at an agitated Kira, "What?"

"Did you hear a word I said?"

"Uhm" I mumbled.

Sighing she shook her head. "I was saying that since we at least known they're together she has to be safe. From what Luna Lily told me Blake is willing to risk it all to keep her safe. "

I nodded. Of course I wanted her safe but I wanted it to be me keeping her safe not some stuck up "it" boy.

"Did you know a new family is moving in next door?" Kira's question confused me.

"What?" I stared at her rather confused.

She gestured to the no longer empty house next door through the window. "I saw them when I was walking here."

I moved and looked out the window and sure enough a family of 5 was moving in next door. A mother who looked to be about in her mid-thirties. A father who looked a bit older than the mother. Then I noticed a guy about our age talking to a breath taking beautiful brunette.

Then I noticed a small girl, who looked about three, running around chasing a butterfly. My eyes went back to the brunette girl. She looked like she was our age. Looking between the guy and girl they looked almost identical. I guessed maybe they were twins.

"Mom's got some chocolate chip cookies. Wanna be neighborly?" I asked glancing at Kira.

She rolled her eyes. "you wanna flirt with the girl don't you?" She stood anyways. "Ill go if I get a cookie. Your mom's cookies are the best. Don't tell my mom I said that thought."

I chuckled as I watched her run off to get the cookies. "Oh like you were ogling the guy out there."

She peeked back around the corner eyebrow raised. "Guy? what guy? there was a guy?!" she then practically ran me over to get to the window and stared at him.

"Dayum! He looks yummy!" She grinned. "Lets go be neighborly!"

Grabbing the cookies she raced out the front door and I followed after her. The most beautiful scent hit my nose. Warm honey and cinnamon.

My eyes instantly met the girl next door and she smiled warmly at me and waved politely. Walking over to her I returned the wave and smile. I was so transfixed on her I hadn't noticed her brother walking towards Kira.

However, the girl had and turned away from me to look at why her brother had walked away. I blinked coming back into reality and looked at Kira and the brother. They were chest to chest staring into each others eyes.

I could tell they were having a conversation through a mind link. He wasn't part of our pack so he must be her mate or something.

Turning my eyes back to where the girl had been standing I noticed she had moved.

Looking around I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder that sent sparks throughout my body.

I turned and looked at the beautiful brunette a smile on my face. "Hi. I'm Luke. It's nice to-" My words were cut short as her soft pink lips crushed themselves against mine.

I was shocked to say the least but she felt so good against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

Shocks shot throughout my body. I'd never felt so happy in my entire life. I felt like I was complete.

It felt like hours later I was ripped from heaven and back into reality. A loud throat clearing brought me back and I pulled my lips from her's but didn't move away and looked towards the sound. A man was standing in the doorway of the house and had is arms crossed as he stared at his yard of teenagers make out session. Her cheeks turned bright red.

The man's voice was quiet and calm, "Grace. Grant. Please come help unpack." He turned and started to head back inside. "And bring your friends. "

The girl in my arms smiled and dragged me inside. Grace. That was her name. It was beautiful just like her. I heard a giggle escape her lips so I figured she'd heard my thoughts.

Glancing to my right I noticed Grant and Kira were hand in hand and walking inside.

Walking through the threshold I looked around and then saw something that made me stop cold.

They had a picture of their family tree. They were the Silvermoon's. The family out to get Joey.

Grace noticed I'd stopped and was staring.

Suddenly she yelled to her father. Then everything went black. The last thing I heard was a girl screaming. Kira.

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