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"What do you want?" Was the first thing I asked him. Noticing that he did not close my window, I walked back to it and closed it, while closing the curtains in the process.

"I want to spend time with you," He took off his shoes and jacket, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I looked at him as though he was crazy and sucked my teeth.

He cannot be serious right now.

"You want to spend time with me, but you 'acted' like you didn't see me today," I folded my arms across my chest standing in front of him.

"Girl, what the hell you talking about? I was paying you attention today. We even talked about how I was going to come over after the game," He tried to justify.

"Do I look like Felisha to your dumb ass?" I asked with strong voice, he really got me fucked up because I knew for a fact that conversation was not spoken between us two because like I said, we did not speak at all today.

He licked his lips and ran both hands down his face.

"I'm here now that's all that matters right now."

I scoffed and walked away from him.

He cannot be serious.

I shook my head and walked to my dresser slipping on my boy shorts under my robe. I slipped on my sports bra and allowed my robe to fall off my shoulder as it laid in a pool around my feet.

"You should stay like that tonight."

I looked back at Chris and mugged.

"You can get out my room and walk back across the street to your house," I sassed.

"It's raining," He said bluntly. I arched my brow at him and was about to tell him that it wasn't, until I heard little drops beat down on the roof.

"You got two legs and a need for speed, so run nigga," I said matter of factually while putting on some sweats that I cut above my knees.

He chuckled lightly as I put on a tank top.

"Man ma, why are you tripping?"


"Excuse you?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Me, tripping?" I pointed to myself then folded my arms across my chest.

"Do it look like I'm tripping?" I asked picking my robe up and putting on the hanger behind my door.

"Mmm no, but you're sexy when you're upset," He licked his lips and smirked.

"Goodbye," I stated sitting at my desk to finish my schoolwork from the previous day.

He sighed loudly as I heard him walk towards me. He turned my swivel chair around so I was looking at him and planted his hands on both of my arm rest, so I was locked in.

"Why are you acting like this towards me?" He asked licking his lips.

"I'm not acting like anything," Mugging lightly I looked up at him with my arms folded.

He searched my face then licked his lips, looking at mines.

"Give kiss," He did a little nod and tucked his bottom lip in between his teeth.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes pointing to the window.

"Get out."

"Give me my damn kiss girl!" He gripped on my face with both of his hands and crashed his lips into mines.

My face scrunched up in the process. I was not going to kiss him back he thought wrong.

He pulled away lightly and looked at me.

"Can you please give me a kiss; do I really have to beg you for more? If you give me a kiss, I'll leave," He begged still holding onto my face.

I sighed deeply and puckered up for this son of a bitch. The only reason why I'm kissing him is so he can get out and leave me alone.

He bit his lip lightly and locked his lips with mines.

The kiss didn't go as I expected, I thought there was going to be a little peck but no he wanted to go the extra mile and add his tongue.

So just to get him out my house I kissed him back the same.

As I kissed him back there was a distinct taste that I really couldn't put my finger on. It tasted like how I would taste after he finished eating my box, but slightly different.

As I kissed him deeper to get the taste I instantly knew what the taste was.

I quickly pushed him back and wiped my mouth spitting on my carpet.

"Boy what the hell is wrong with you coming up in here talking about 'give me a kiss'," I whispered yelled at him. Only because I didn't want Darrin to know that Chris was in my room.

He looked at me as if I were crazy.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He mugged at me.

"How you going to kiss me when you been tongue fucking someone else, and don't tell me you haven't because I know what I taste like and that tasted pretty similar to how I taste," I squinted my eyes at him. I wanted him to tell me the truth because if he really came to my house after tongue fucking somebody else then he has life all the way fucked up.

He sucked his teeth and mugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He stood up straight and walked back towards him jacket and shoes. He slipped them back on and then leaned on the wall next to the window that he previously came in from.

"Chris, I swear to god and I put this on everything I love, if you don't get the fuck out my room I'm going to hurt you. How could you ever disrespect me like that?" I mugged at him. I ran my hands down my face and thought of who could he possibly be with before coming here, but then I remembered that when me and Darrin was leaving the game I caught a glance of him and Felisha getting into his car.

"Oh my gosh," I felt the lump in my throat. I quickly got up and ran in my bathroom. I knelled down in front of the toilet and threw up whatever was in my throat. I flushed the toilet and walked over to my sink. I turned on the faucet water and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth.

I heard him sigh and within seconds I heard my window closed shut.

I couldn't believe I let him play me like that. No other female should ever have the taste of the female that hates them in her mouth. That is a sign of true disrespect.

"Ooooo!" I yelled after spitting my mouthwash out.

"He can go to hell and burn in that bitch," I mumbled as I wiped my mouth. "How could he kiss me knowing that Felisha hasn't left his tongue?"

"What the hell you just say that nigga do?" I looked towards the bathroom door and saw my brother standing there with a furious look on his face. The inside of his face was red and so were the tip of his ears.

"Did you really allow him in your room after he disrespected and ignored you all day?" Darrin shook his head. "Wait until I catch his ass," Darrin mumbled as he walked out of my room.

I sat on my bed and sighed heavily.

I hope that little bitch gets what he deserves. How dare he come to me with another female that I can't stand on his lips. That's the ultimate betrayal, that's even past the disrespectful meter.

I can't wait for revenge because now he really done fucked up.

I slid under my cover and clapped off the lights. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my nerves.

Her Nightmare (Sequel to Nightmare Town)Where stories live. Discover now