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I stood at the top of the triangle and shouted.

"Let's go, let's fight, let's win tonight!"

"Let's go!" The rest clap a minimum of three times as I did the same.

"Let's fight!" Another three claps.

"Let's win." Clapped another three times.

Damn how many times are we going to clap?

"Let's go, let's fight, let's win tonight, let's go!" We all yelled unison.

I placed my hands on my waist and turned my body side to side. I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead and sighed heavily. I was tired of these little baby ass cheers. We needed our coach to teach us better ones because we look like kids performing these stupid cheers.

"Alright everybody take a twenty-minute break and come straight back so we can hit it hard and go on about our days." Coach yelled at us.

We all nodded and went our separate ways, most of us going to the second gym to watch the boys' basketball team practice for their game on Friday, others stayed into he first gym, or went inside of the school to go find teachers and talk to them about what ever, but me? I went into the gym to see the game plays.

"Go Chris go! Shoot that ball!"

I knotted my eyebrows together as I walked in.

"That's my baby!" Felisha screamed from the top of her lungs, everybody rolled their eyes at her in annoyance, even Chris, but sometimes I wonder if Felisha and him are really messing around, or maybe she's just that obsessed over him and just want his attention what ever it is she's needs to stop before her little feelings get hurt.

I sat next to Shantee and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Aww, what's wrong besties?" She asked rubbing on my face.

I licked my lips.

"I'm tired as hell."

"And why are you so tired?"

I pointed towards Chris with a smirk.

"He had me up the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday," I licked my lips as multiple flash back came into mind. That boy can work wonders when it comes to pleasing me and hopefully only me, but I don't even know why I'm tripping or even thinking that when it's obvious that he's also messing around with Felisha.

Shantee rolled her eyes while folding her hands over her chest.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked confused as to why she suddenly feeling some type of way.

"He's playing you Zari."

"Well how do you know?" I challenged.

A duh expression covered her face as she pointed towards Felisha.

"Put the damn pieces together," She took her hair out the ponytail and shook it out.

"It's not like we're dating anyways," There I go with my stubbornness.

"Fine, don't believe me, but when he hurt you I'm going to tell you I told you so," She folded her legs and leaned back on the set of bleachers behind us.

"Yatta ya," I replied lowly as the boy's coach blew his whistle.

All the balls dropped, and the boys had their full attention towards him.

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