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All throughout the dining room was the sounds of clanking. Not much was spoken, everybody was still set and stone on the new change that was going to happen soon.

"You all are very quiet," My mom looked up from her plate with her hands folded neatly under her chin.

We all nodded in agreement but continued to say nothing.

"You want to know how I feel though?" I was first to speak up. The thought of Darrin selfishness was weighing heavy on my mind and I needed to express it.

"Say what's on your mind love," She pointed her hand towards me with a slight nod.

Taking a deep breathe I looked at the table and everybody around it. My eyes landed on Darrin then over his head.

"I don't like the fact how I have to change because Darrin wants to look different, how will that benefit me in a way? I mean yeah, I'll look different and everything but what about Malani? What about my future with Chris? Instead of him not manning up by getting a few tattoos or working out he want to take the easy way out and look completely different!"

"Ma calm down," Chris placed his hand on my shoulder as I snatched it away. I was angry, and I wanted Darrin to understand my pain, and my anger.

"No there is no calm down! He can look buff as shit but still be a pussy on the inside!" I yelled while sliding back in my chair and shooting up. My mother hands slapped down on the table causing me to look at her.

"Don't use that tone in my house young lady," Her voice was stern, but I honestly didn't care. Yawning Darrin laughed me off and fan his hand back and forth.

I arched my brow at her and placed my hands on the table, looking at her. "You're in my house, you're just house sitting. Remember that," I mugged at her, but Darrin once again caught my full attention.

"Are you done with your little fit?" His eyebrows were raised as a smirked was placed on his face.

"You know what Darrin you're an inconsiderate bitch, that's why I will always have some form of hate against you," Slapping my plate off the table I kicked the chair back and walked off. "This food nasty anyway."


Ignoring the many calls from my mom I walked out the dining room and back inside the living area. Sitting down on the couch I leaned my body back and folded my arms over my chest.

By now I was truly upset. How could he do that? Was he always that selfish as a person? Sighing loudly a knock on the opened door startled me. Looking in that direction my dad stood with his arms folded and his foot crossed over the other.

"Hey papa," I did a slight wave.

"What was all that about Zari?" He took a step down and walked to the chair across from me.

"What are you talking about?" I raised my brow while pushing my hair out my face.

"Don't play dumb with me, I wasn't in the dining room, but I heard what happened."

Another big sigh escaped my lips as I ran my hand down my face.

"I just don't find it fair how Darrin want his whole persona to change, does he not think of others? When he changes so do we pops. I don't care if nobody will remember how I look now, but what if the change turns out to be for the worse? How will I handle the situation? I had to deal with a lot of shit since all this started and I'm not ready to endure anything but happiness."

Her Nightmare (Sequel to Nightmare Town)Where stories live. Discover now