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"Nuh uh, Chris I am not going in there," I whispered while looking at him. He still had the cold look on his face and just shrugged.

"Shit I'll go in."

"Listen here, look at me," I grabbed his face and turned it in my direction.

"We are not in a movie we don't go investigate shit, we see them, and we run the other way to save our black asses."

"But you're not black." He smirked at me before kissing my forehead and walking towards my room.

"I am black. My daddy black that means I'm like half black or black." I took a slight paused and started to think. My father is African American, so that makes me black.

What the fuck am I? I know I'm not Asain or something

"Chris am I n-"

"This is not the time to be figuring out what you are Zari bring your scary ass on, I'm tired and need my damn rest," He mumbled under his breath while grabbing my hand and pulling me to my room.

"This is a serious matter chr- what the hell?" My room door as now pushed open allowing me to see everything. My room was completely trashed, little ass kids was jumping around singing and swinging off my chandelier, jumping on my bed and writing on my walls.

"My mom is going to fucking kill me!" I yelled while running my hands down my face causing all the little kids to stop what they were doing and snapped their heads in our direction.

"It's so nice of you both to join us," All the kids say at once.

"It would nice of you bad ass kids to clean this shit up! Y'all mama never beat the shit out of y'all?" I can't believe it. My room was fucking trashed! All my stuff is ruined, how the hell am I going to explain this to my mom better yet my father?

"That wasn't very nice," I heard a little girl voice say from behind us. Me and Chris turned around and looked down at her.

"Well it wasn't nice of you and your little ghost ass friends to come in my room and fuck my stuff up," I snapped back with turning around with my arms folded.

"Aw come on ma be nice these are little kids," Chris chuckled while looking around the room.

"Yes, demonic little kids." I rolled my eyes at him then looked up at the ceiling. All my attention went in the left-hand corner, something black was just up there.

I grabbed Chris arm and pulled on it.

"What's up?"

Without saying anything I pointed towards the corner.

"What the fu-"

"Mommy? Daddy?" Another little girl voice rang from across the room causing both of our attention to stray away from the black figure in the corner to her.

"Mommy?" I asked with my head tilted to the side.

"Daddy?" Chris questioned himself under his breath.

"That is you!" A smile spread across her face as her tiny feet ran towards us. I took a step back and looked down at her as she wrapped her tiny arms around my legs.

She was Chris's skin color, she had his eye shape, nose, and lips with some of his freckles spread across her cheeks. She had my bushy hair and my eye color. Her facial structure was set up just like mines, she looked like the perfect blend of me and Chris.

Her Nightmare (Sequel to Nightmare Town)Where stories live. Discover now