Chapter 4-Partyyyyy!!!

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I come downstairs wearing the sluttiest outfit that I own.

"DAAMMNN!!! Someone's lookin' sexy," Eleanor laughs.

I roll my eyes and just laugh it off. She opens the front door and pushes me out. I stumble out and walk down the sidewalk to Eleanor's car. She hops in and we drive off down to the club.

"So how wasted are you gonna get?" I smirk.

"I'm gonna be way past wasted," she smiles.

"Do you think the kids are gonna be alright?" I ask.

"They're asleep. They'll be fine. Stop worrying so much."

About 20 minutes later or so and I finally see the sign for the club. Eleanor pulls into the parking lot and already we can tell that people are madly wasted. Some of them are outside vomiting from so much alcohol, others are smoking. We hop out of the car and walk inside only to be stopped by a bouncer a few moments later asking for some ID. Eleanor flashes hers and I flash mine and then we're immediately let inside. When we walk through the front door, Thrift Shop is playing.

"I love this song!!" I yell.

"What?" Eleanor asks.

"I said I love this song!!" I try to yell louder.

"I still can't hear you over the music. What'd you say?"

"I said that I love-nevermind," I groan and walk off to the dance floor.

I begin jumping around and singing along to the song when it comes to an abrupt end and suddenly, I hear the familiar music of Best Song Ever. My jaw drops to the floor and I immediately run over in Eleanor's direction. When I reach her, I nearly spill her beer all over her outfit.

"What's the matter?" She asks.

"It's..........." I trail off.

"Is this what I think it is?" She asks when she begins to become familiar to the tune.

"Uh huh," I nod, "this is their song."

Eleanor and I stand, almost frozen, while Harry begins singing. When I hear him sing, I remember how upset I was for him leaving but now I realize that he only left for happiness.

"I'm gonna go," I whisper to Eleanor as I nudge her to get her attention.

"Later......." Eleanor mumbles.

I walk out of the club, feeling heartbroken and lonely. I begin walking through the parking lot when I notice a taxi pull up to the curb to drop people off.

"TAXI!!!" I yell as I sprint over to the car.

"Hello ma'am," the driver greets, "need a lift? Where to?"

"Yes. To the airport please," I instruct.

"Sure thing. Hop in."

It's official: I'm going to see Harry..............

The driver pulls up to the curb and I jump out, taking off through the front door. It occurs to me now that it probably would've been smart to pack some luggage...... Oh well.... I become pushed and shoved by anxious passengers rushing to catch their flight. When I notice the flight for Chicago is boarding, I rush over to pay for a ticket.

"One ticket for Chicago please."

*Harry's POV*

I'm going home to see Liz. I don't care what the guys think. I love her and I wanna make this thing work......which it will.

"Ticket please," the flight attendant asks.

I hand the man my ticket and he unlocks the gate allowing me to board the flight. I take my seat on the plan and patiently await for the plane to take off. In a few hours, it'll be just Liz and I.......Together alone......Finally.

"Attention passengers we are now about to land in London. Please fasten your seatbelts."

What the?!? How long have I been asleep?!? I never even knew that the plane took off..... Wow... I slept through an entire flight. That's a new one.....

I grab my suitcases and walk down the plane's steps. I walk over to the first counter I see in the airport and request a limo. About 20 minutes later I see my requested limo pull up to the curb. I can't get Liz out of my head. God I can't wait to see her.......

*Liz's POV*

God I can't wait to see Harry.......

I watch as my plane safely lands on the runway, screeching to a halt. I wait a few minutes until I see the door open, allowing passengers to get off the plane. I jump out of my seat and nearly run over an angry old lady, anxious to get off and see Harry. The old lady hits me with her purse, causing me to squeal.

"Move faster people!" I yell, anxious to get away from the grumpy lady behind me.

I finally get off the plane after what seems like forever and then walk through the airport. When I reach the front doors and realize that I don't have a ride, I decide to call Zayn. I push call and he picks up right after the first ring.

"Hello?" Zayn greets.

"Hey Zayn, it's me. I'm in Chicago at the airport and I need you to pick me up," I explain.

"Why are you in Chicago?" He asks.

"I wanted to surprise Harry."

"Uhhh......." Zayn stammers.


"Uhh nothing, nothing at all. I'll be there in a bit."

"Alright?" I shrug.

I end the call and walk out the front doors and have a seat on the bench to wait for Zayn...

*Harry's POV*

I pull up into the driveway of our house and walk through the front door. Eleanor's jaw drops in awe when she sees me standing before her in the kitchen. I give her a funny look and then she just continues standing in shock.

"Where's Liz?" I ask.


"Don't you know where she is?"

*Liz's POV*

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"No idea," he quickly blurts, avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He's not here."

"Well then if he's not here then where is he?"


*Harry's POV*

"Liz went to Chicago," Eleanor mumbles.


*Liz's POV*


Oh my god......

This is really bad.........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now