Chapter 57-Here Comes The Baby

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*Harry's POV*

"Harry," she whimpers, "the baby's coming."

Holy shit. The baby's coming. Right here, right now. Well looks like the wedding's going to have to wait. I look around at the crowd to see that they all look puzzled as to what's going on. If we tell them flat out they're all gonna panic and go crazy. We can't have that. Liz squeezes my hand in pain as another contraction begins to kick in. I seriously can't believe that this is happening right now. I honestly don't believe that Liz is in labor, but she is. I can see the pain in her eyes. She's really hurting and begins to look like she's desperately needing a chair or something. We can't tell everyone what's going on and we can't just stand here and let Liz suffer, but we also can't deliver right here in the middle of the church. So then what are we going to do?!?

"Is she alright?" Eleanor whispers as she nudges my shoulder.

"Does that look like she's alright to you?" I ask as I point to the puddle Liz left when her water broke.

"Oh my god........" Eleanor gasps.

"Yeah. We've gotta get her out of here. The problem is we can't let everyone know what's going on because they'll all go into a frenzy wanting to help."

"Oww," Liz whimpers as she continues taking deep breaths, "Harry......"

"It's gonna be OK," I whisper as she yelps in pain from another contraction.

"Help me......." she whines as she begins crying from all the pain.

"Eleanor do something," I instruct.

"What do you want me to do?!?" She asks as she looks around completely dumbfounded.

"Distract them," I reply as I point to the crowd of confused family members and friends.


"I'm sure you'll think of something," I mumble as I try to keep Liz from collapsing on the floor.

I grab Liz's arm as she continues crying in pain. I pull her up when suddenly Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn all appear in front of me, ready to help. I'm gonna assume that they're all up to speed with what's going on. I caused this......... I'm causing Liz all this pain........ She's miserable and suffering right now........ Zayn grabs her free arm and wraps it around his neck as we begin walking Liz out of the church and to the car.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asks.

"Ahhhh!!!! Owww," she cries in pain.

"I'll take that as a dear god someone help me," Niall nods.

"Liz you'll be fine. Just relax and keep breathing-" Louis begins.

"Relaxing during childbirth isn't as easy as it seems!!" Liz snaps.

"Liam open the door," Zayn instructs as we walk over to my car.

I hop in the drivers seat while Louis jumps in the passengers seat. Liam and Zayn sit next to Liz who's sitting next to Niall. Zayn and Niall are both holding Liz's hands and she's turning both of their hands red from the pain. I put the car in drive and speed off to the hospital.

"You're doing fine," Niall whispers.

"Everything OK back there?" I ask as I look in my rear view mirror.

"Other than the fact that she's cutting off the blood circulation to both of our hands, everything's fine," Zayn fakely smiles.

"Why is the seat wet?" Niall asks as I hear him shift his position.

"Is your water still leaking?" Liam asks.

"Oh my god......." Liz groans as she feels another contraction kick in.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now