Chapter 11-Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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*Harry's POV*

I hate it when Liz cuts. I can't stand to see her hurting herself like that. I walk back into Liz's bathroom to see her washing her hands and cleaning herself up. I walk up to her, wrap my hands around her waist, and kiss the top of her head.

"You guys have it so much easier than I do......" she mumbles.

"I heard you on the phone with your mom earlier," I admit, "you seemed upset. What did she want?"

"I don't wanna talk about my mom right now-"

"But Liz-"

"Please Harry. Just......d-don't bring her up......"she sighs and closes the door in my face.

God our relationship is so screwed up.............

We barely can tell each other anything.......

"Liz," I softly knock, "can we please talk about it?"

"Can we not?" She replies on the other side of the door.

"I want to help-"

"Then just leave me alone!" She sobs.

Before she used to tell me everything..........and now, she tells me nothing. I constantly have to bug her to get her to tell me. Life used to be so much easier when we were just friends.......

Then I realize that there's one person that she might talk to about this..........

I dash downstairs, nearly falling down the steps along the way in search of Eleanor. I see Zayn laying down on the couch in the living room so I run out to him and ask him if he's seen her.

"Last time I saw her she was taking Louis up to her bedroom with her. I wouldn't get her now if I were you........"

Alright then, plan B........

"Niall! There you are!" I yell as I see him biting into a cupcake in the kitchen.

"What?" He manages to ask with a mouthful of cupcake.

"I need you to help me with something-"

"Last time you said that you made me watch you try on different boxers in Wal-Mart. Never again-"

"Not that. I need your help with Liz," I tell him.

As Niall begins to walk away, he hears me say Liz and then he quickly turns around, "go on....."

"Something's bothering her but she won't tell me. I know it has something to do with her mom because I overheard her talking to her on the phone this morning-"

"Did it ever occur to you that it may just be her hormones or her period?" Niall asks while making a 'duh' face.

"It's not either of those-"

"And you know that how?" Niall asks.

"Would you quit stalling and just go ask her?!?" I snap, tired of Niall's silliness.

"Alright. Fine. Sheesh," Niall grunts as he heads upstairs to find Liz.

*Niall's POV*

"Owowowowow," I hear Liz cry as she rinses the blood off of her very cut arm under the sink.

"Hey Liz can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask as he knocks on the bathroom door.

"No....." she murmurs.

"C'mon Liz.......Open up. I wanna talk. Remember how you always used to tell me about everything that was going on before."

When I realize that I have no other choice, I decide to tell Liz the only thing I know that will definitely make her open up the door.

"I know you were talking to your mom this morning," I call.

As soon as I say mom Liz opens the door and pops her head out.

"Hey cool I got you to open the door," I smirk.

Liz rolls her eyes and then begins to slam the door in my face but before the door closes, I stick my foot inside and push the door open again. I'm much stronger than her and she knows it. She tries to push me out but I don't budge. I smirk and then get into the bathroom with her. I shut the door, lock it, and stand in front of it so neither of us can get out.

"Why don't you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"Because it's none of your business-"

"But it is because you live here with us and we care about you," I argue.


"Liz, please just tell me. You used to tell me everything and now you don't wanna tell me anything. Why?"

"Because I know my nosy boyfriend sent you up here to talk to me. You wouldn't have come up here otherwise," she states.

"He's only being nosy because he cares about you! And you're right, I wouldn't have. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you-"

"Oh god not this again," she groans.

"I'm just saying if you need anything I'll be here. I still love you but I know whatever I say won't change anything. Now tell me what happened this morning."

"Fine," Liz sighs, "my mom's worried that I'm never coming home. She figures I ran off, found a boyfriend, and got pregnant like she did when she turned 18-"

"But you did run off, get a boyfriend, and get pregnant," I state.

"You think I don't know that?" Liz snaps, "she wants me to come home....."

"What?!? No! Y-you can't!"

"I have to. I don't have a choice," she sighs as she sits down on the floor and hugs her knees.

"But aren't you happy here? Aren't you happy with us?" I ask softly as I sit down on the floor next to her.

"I am....... but she doesn't want me to be happy. She wants me to be home with her so I can be her slave for the rest of her life."

"So then don't go. Do you have any idea how much we're gonna miss you?!?" I yell.

"But she said-"

"Who cares what she said! She doesn't know where you are so as long as it stays that way you won't have to go home."

Without hesitation, I quickly lean in and give her a quick peck on the lips. She looks up, stunned, and then she looks back down at the tile floor again. Realizing that I haven't changed her mind, I sigh and exit the bathroom, leaving her alone.

"Niall wait," she calls, "I'll stay if it means that much to you."

"Thanks," I smile, "so is that why...........?" I trail off.

"Yeah," she sighs as she rubs her arm.

As I begin to feel the awkward silence set, I decide to leave the bathroom. As I stand up, Liz holds out her hand, asking for me to help her up. I take her hand and lift her up off the floor. We walk out together when we see Harry walking down the hallway, his hair unusually messy. Harry walks back, grabs my arm, and drags me away into his room. He seems mad.....

*Liz's POV*

Fine Harry....... Just ignore me......

I wonder what Eleanor and Louis are doing........

I walk in to see Eleanor in tears. I walk over to her and she just continues sobbing.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Louis broke up with me......." she mumbles, "he said he found someone new. I know he meant you."

"You'll find someone......" I whisper, "what happened?"

"I told him I loved him and then I kissed him and then he stopped me, said he couldn't do this and ended things......."

"I'm sorry El.......I keep telling him that I don't want him but apparently he won't take no for an answer......" I trail off.

"I think I've got things under control and taken care of......" Eleanor mumbles.

I have no idea what she means by that.........

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