Chapter 55-Leaving?

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*Harry's POV*

*2 Months Later*

I can't believe I get to see Liz today. Today's the day I've been desperately waiting for what seems like ages now. I finish packing the rest of my shirts and zip up my suitcases, ready to go. I walk out of my hotel room to see the boys and Eleanor holding Casey waiting for me in the hallway.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, clueless as to what they're doing.

"We're coming with you," Liam answers.

"Yeah. We miss Liz," Eleanor chimes in.

"Guys I don't even know if I'm allowed to leave," I tell them as I try to walk past them.

"Well leave then-" Zayn begins.

"I just told you that I'm not even sure if management's gonna let me leave to go see Liz. Even though she's supposed to have her baby in a few days and we're supposed to get married in less than two weeks doesn't mean that they're just gonna let me get on a plane and leave just like that-"

"Well then you should've told management ahead of time," Niall blurts.

"I tried but they wouldn't listen," I sigh, feeling as though I'm gonna let a ton of people down if I don't show up on time like I planned.

*Liz's POV*

"Where's Harry?" I ask as I lie on the couch, clutching my stomach in pain, "he's supposed to be here."

"I'm sure he's on his way," Anne reassures me as she hands me some Tylenol to take.

He better be here. He has to get married. We're getting married soon and our baby girl is about to be born. He's the father. He has to be here. If he's not I'm gonna be so upset with him. I understand that if he can't leave then he can't leave but then it just goes to show what an asshole their management is.

I just hope he shows up like he promised........

*Harry's POV*

I begin to walk down the hallway to the elevators so I can catch my flight to go see Liz when I suddenly hear my voice being called. I turn around to see Paul walking over to me, seeming pissed. I begin to enter the elevator when I feel his hand on my shoulder, holding me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Paul demands to know.

"To see Liz. I promised that I would see her before she goes into labor. Please Paul, let me go. I'm getting married in less than two weeks," I answer, hoping that he'll let me go.

"You're not getting married if I have anything to do with it," he glares.

"Please let me go," I beg.

"You have a concert tonight-"

"No we don't. We're on a break for the rest of the month," Niall interrupts.

"Well you're still not allowed to go-"

"Why?!?" I yell.

"Because I said so! Now get back in that hotel room this instant!" Paul demands as he grabs my suitcases and drags them back to my room.


I gotta see Liz. The question is, how?!?

I sulk into my hotel room only to have Paul slam the door behind him. I quickly run to the door and swing it open only to be greeted by humongous, scary security guards standing in front of my door. They glare down at me, clearly angry.

"Well hello there," I greet, scared, as I look up at their tall figures.

Instead of replying, the one guard just takes the door and shuts it in my face, keeping me inside. This is seriously getting ridiculous.

"Fuck you management," I mumble to myself as I sulk over to my bed, "assholes."

I sit down on my bed and pull out my laptop and log onto Skype to see if Liz is online so I can talk to her. I see her online so I click on her username to request a video chat. A few seconds pass until she clicks accept and I see her on my computer screen.

"Hey babe. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"They won't let me leave. There are two huge security guards standing in front of my door prohibiting me from leaving. I hate management," I answer.

"But you promised-"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really am. But they won't let me leave. They aren't giving me a choice. I have to stay here Liz. I'm really sorry," I apologize, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm in pain," she whimpers.

As we're sitting in silence, looking at each other's hurt faces, a genius idea suddenly comes into my mind. I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Liam, requesting for him to come to my room as soon as he can. He immediately replies saying that he'll be there soon. I smile at the thought that this may actually work after all, surprisingly.

"I'll see you soon," I smile as I close my laptop, ending my conversation with Liz.

About ten minutes later I hear my bedroom door open. I turn off the TV and get off the couch to see Liam standing in my room, dressed as Marcel from the Best Song Ever music video. A huge smile appears on my face at the thought that we might actually be able to pull this off. I nod in approval and then we begin stripping off our clothes so we can change places.

When I'm fully dressed as Marcel, I realize that I need my hair to be done. I quickly pull out my phone and call Rachel so she can do my hair. About five minutes later my door opens once again to show Rachel holding hair products in her hands. She quickly places the gel in my hair and begins working with it to make it look like it did in the music video.

I examine myself in the mirror after her work is finished and give her a hug.

"Thank you so much for doing this," I mumble as we hug.

"You're welcome," she replies as I make my way over to Liam to give him a hug.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys," I mumble as I grab my stuff.

"No, you couldn't," Liam chuckles.

I haul my luggage over my shoulders and open up my door to be greeted by security guards once again.

"Excuse me," I mumble in Marcel's voice.

The guards surprisingly move aside to allow me to pass. I begin walking down the hallway, so far uncaught. I enter the elevator and the doors close behind me, leaving me alone to ride an elevator down five floors to get to the lobby.


It worked...........surprisingly........

I'll get to see Liz after all........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now