Chapter 14-A Drunken Mistake Is Still A Mistake

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"It's OK Liz," Zayn whispers comfortingly.

"It's not OK!!! Harry slept with Eleanor!" I sob.

"Liz I'm so sorry," Harry apologizes, "we got drunk and then we-"

"Oh save it!" I yell.

"Can I please just explain what happened?"

"No! You should know better......"

"I got drunk!"

"That doesn't change anything! I'm still mad at you, especially because you never bothered to tell me that you guys are leaving again tonight-"

"I didn't know how to tell you.......I screwed up and I'm sorry. But I still love you," he whispers as he begins to come closer to me.

"No," I stop him, "just go downstairs. Leave me alone. I can't even stand to look at you now....."

"It wasn't even my fault Eleanor tricked me!"

"Just go-what?" I ask, startled, "how did she trick you?"

"She wanted me to sleep with her. The first time she tried it we were just screwing around and then right as we got to the "good part" I realized what she was trying to do. I realized I could never do that to you. So I got up, got dressed and left, making Eleanor mad. Last night she got me way past drunk and I had no idea what she was doing. I couldn't help myself last night because I was drunk. Liz, I swear I would never do anything to hurt you or cheat on you. You gotta believe me. It was an honest, drunken mistake," Harry explains, "I never would've done it otherwise."

"Wait, I found a condom wrapper in the hallway the other day. Was that-"

"That was when Eleanor tricked me the first time," Harry sighs while running his hands through his hair.

"And your argument with Niall?"

"You heard that? I told him what just happened and he freaked out-"

"I don't blame him," I state.

"I'm just gonna go downstairs to get some breakfast and leave you two talk," Zayn mumbles while he hops out of bed.

"I am so beyond sorry right now Liz-"

"How do I know it wasn't you that tricked her?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because Eleanor told me herself that since Louis broke up with her for you, she figured that if she slept with me, Louis would get jealous and want her back-"

"But Louis got mad when you were just laying on top of me. I don't think he cares about Eleanor anymore," I sigh.

"So then we'll make him care-"


"Maybe if we make him go back with her he'll realize he's making a mistake," Harry suggests.

"I don't know...... I told him I wasn't interested."

"So are we OK now?" Harry asks gently.

"You're damn lucky I'm forgiving you this time. But I'm still angry with you......." I sigh.

"So what are we gonna do?" Harry asks.

"Like I should know," I snap.

We sit in silence for a few moments and then I decide to get up and leave. So I stand up and use my crutches to maneuver through Zayn's bedroom. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Louis with a very drunk Eleanor leaning on his shoulder. Harry walks out behind me but before he can pass me to go yell at Eleanor, I stop him and whisper for him to be quiet. We just wanna see what they're gonna do. Louis places his hands on Eleanor's waist giving her a light hug and then he takes her hand and lead her away into his room. I stare at them in shock when I realize that they got back together on their own. I thought he would've been a lot more selfish and sturdy, not wanting to leave me, but I guess Harry must've knocked some sense into him when he fought Louis. I smile at the thought that he loves her just like Harry loves me. I guess I'm not really mad at her considering she just wanted Louis back. Granted, she did accomplish this the wrong way by having sex with my boyfriend. But I'm glad she's happy again.

Harry gently turns me around and he places his hands on my waist. He pulls me in closer to him and he gives me a hug. I rest my head against his sturdy chest, feeling better. He still smells like beer but that was just Eleanor's fault.

"I love you Liz and I really am truly so sorry that I cheated on you," he whispers as he places a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"I should've dumped you but I can't because I still love you," I reply.

"You're my little princess that I get to shower with hugs, kisses, and presents," Harry smiles.

"What does that have to do with anything? That's not relevant to what we're talking about."

"I know. It's true though."

"Aww," I blush as I hug him tighter.

We become interrupted in our little love fest when we hear the sound of Eleanor hurling once again.

"Damn. How much did she drink?" I ask.

"Way more than I did. That's for sure."

"Oh Eleanor! Not on the carpet!!" We hear Louis freak out.

We chuckle to ourselves when we hear Eleanor again, this time resulting in a much funnier reaction.

"EWWWW!!!!!!!!!" We hear Louis scream, causing us to burst into laughter.

We watch Louis run out from his room into the bathroom. I catch a glimpse of him when I notice Eleanor threw up on him.

"Ew," Harry mumbles.

"He deserves it," I state with a smirk on my face.

"I think Eleanor better lay off the alcohol for a while," Harry chuckles.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," I whisper as I hug him again and bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"I completely forgot we were leaving until you just said it."

"I think I hear Dylan crying. We better go see what he wants," I reply as I begin making my way to the nursery.

"I'm gonna miss him so much," I hear Harry mumble.

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