Chapter 13-A Wild Night

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I wake up the next morning with a massive headache. I look around at my surroundings to see that I'm alone in my room. I throw the covers off of me and hop out of bed when I feel a shockwave of pain. I yelp and fall on the floor.

"I heard a scream," Liam states as he stands in my doorway and notices the mess in my room, "who died?"

"Louis' balls," I groan and grab my foot.

Liam chuckles to himself as he helps me get up onto the bed. He tells me to wait and he walks out for a few moments. He comes back with some ace bandages to wrap my foot up. He opens up the first aid kit, pulls out the wrap, and grabs my foot.

"Ow ow ow," I wince.

"It's alright. Calm down."

I bite down on my bottom lip as I watch Liam wrap my foot up. When he's finished, he clips it so it stays wrapped, closes the first aid kit, and walks out. Figuring he's not coming back, I decide to try getting out of bed again but fall.

"Well someone's eager to get out of bed," Liam laughs.

"I didn't think you'd come back......."

"I would......for you at least....."

Oh boy not again.......

"Look Liam," I sigh, "I don't wanna try things again with you. It was nice while it lasted but I just don't think that we're meant to be......"

I apologize and grab the crutches that Liam brought in and make my way downstairs. I stop at the top of the steps when I realize getting down them looks hard. Zayn appears out of nowhere and gladly helps me get down. He picks me up bridal style, carries me down the steps, and sits me down on the bottom step while he heads back up to get my crutches. I take them from his hands, thank him, and proceed out into the living room.

"Where is everyone?" I ask Niall when I find him watching TV.

"Upstairs sleeping," he quickly replies as he continues munching on his bacon, "what happened to your head?"

I rub my forehead when I feel a rather large bump. Probably from the lamp.

"Louis got mad at Harry yesterday and fought him. I tried to stop Louis but he pushed me away and I did something to my ankle and crashed into my nightstand causing the lamp that was sitting on it to come crashing down on my head," I explain.

"Ouch," Niall mumbles, "here. Come sit," he insists as he pats the seat on the couch next to him.

I take a piece of bacon off of Niall's plate. Niall shoots me a death glare and I laugh at his grumpy face. As I begin to munch on the bacon, Niall speaks.

"I'm so excited for tonight when we get back out on the road."

I nearly choke on my bacon after Niall finishes speaking. He pats my back in an attempt to settle me down. I feel my eyes begin watering from my constant hacking. Why hasn't Harry told me?!?

"Y-you guys are leaving? When?" I ask.

"Tonight..........Harry didn't tell you?" Niall asks, confused.

"No......" I mumble.

"Liam told me that he told Harry. I figured he would've said something to you."

"Well he didn't......." I trail off, "if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna go have a word with Harry-"

"Uh....I wouldn't do that if I were you," Niall stops me as he stands in front of me in my way.

"Why not?" I ask as I put my hand on my hip.

"Because..........he's sleeping! You don't wanna make him grumpy by waking him up now do you?" Niall blurts.

"Alright, one: you're a terrible liar. And two: I'm going upstairs to see him now. Get out of my way," I tell him as I walk past Niall.

When I'm not even two feet past Niall, he suddenly grabs me by my waist and pulls me away. I kick my legs in an attempt to break free but it's no use.

"Niall put me down!" I yell.

"You can't go up there."

"Why? What are you hiding from me?"

"A birthday present!" He yells.

"My birthday isn't for another eight months genius."

"Early birthday present?"

"Uh huh.......Stop lying and put me down."

I'm dropped to my feet so I take my crutches and make my way out of the living room. I walk through the living room, into the hallway, then to the foyer, and begin making my way upstairs.

When I get to the top, I hear a door creak open. I begin walking down the hallway to see what appears to be a drunk Eleanor stumble out of her bedroom. I help her navigate to the bathroom when I notice a bunch of hickeys on her neck. Well she clearly had a wild night last night.......

When Eleanor gets to the toilet, she immediately doubles over. When I hear her begin vomiting, I shut the door to block out the sound.........and smell. I could smell a bit of alcohol on her when I helped her get to the bathroom. I hear her groan and then I see another figure appear from the bedroom. I look at his face and he looks completely wasted, way past that even. I look at his face to notice that his eyes look bloodshot.

"I can't believe you," I gasp, "HOW COULD YOU?!?!"

I take off using my crutches and run down the hallway, away from him. I burst into Zayn's bedroom, waking him up, and walk over to Zayn. I hop into bed with him and cuddle him for support as I bawl my eyes out.

Why.......Just why?!?

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