Chapter 27-Caught

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I abandon Harry to go see Niall. I follow Liam down the cellar steps to see him sitting up. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he's alive and doing well. I kneel down in front of him and suddenly break down into tears.

"It's my fault. I'm so sorry," I cry.

"It's not your fault," Niall whispers.

"How bad are you hurt?" I ask as I try to check the damage that I created.

"I'm fine," Niall faintly whispers.

"No Niall you're not fine. You're hurt...........and it's because of me-"

"Would you stop saying that?"

"Why? Because you know it's true?" I snap as I take off running back upstairs.

I ignore Harry sitting by the wall and just keep walking, eventually getting outside. I walk down the driveway when suddenly Zayn jumps in front of me. I almost ran him over.

"You wanna move?" I glare.

"Niall's not mad at you-"

"He is he just doesn't wanna say it to my face," I sigh, feeling the wind blowing in my hair.

"Liz......." Zayn sighs.

I ignore him and just continue walking, eventually getting home an hour later. I walk through the front door to see Dylan and Casey playing together and Eleanor sitting watching TV with a wine glass in her hand.

"Hey," she greets as she gets up, "how'd it go?"

"I got kidnapped. How do you think it went?" I snap as I cross my arms and humph in frustration.

Before Eleanor can respond, I take off to Harry's room. I lay down on his bed and curl up into his pillow. As I begin to drift off to sleep, I hear the sound of shuffling outside his room.

"You OK?" Harry asks.

"I'm fine," I mumble as I sit up and look at him, "I was just......."

"Sleeping in my bed trying to think of reasons as to why this is your fault?"

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"Because I know you Liz. I know when something's bothering you or when you have something on your mind. I know you like the back of my hand," he chuckles.

Harry sits down next to me and strokes the side of my face. A smile appears on my face because I know he cares about me. He treats me the way men are supposed to treat their ladies.

"I love you," Harry whispers as he gives me a kiss.

"I love you too," I smile.

I lay back down on my pillow when Harry pulls his shirt off his head. He stands up and turns around so his back is facing me.

"Is my back scratched up or no because it hurts?" Harry asks.

"It's bruised a little bit," I answer.

"That's probably why."

Harry sits down on the edge of his bed when I suddenly pull him up to where I'm sitting. I don't know what's coming over me but I suddenly want him.

"Harry," I whisper, "you wanna try again?" I ask with a wink, hoping he'll take the hint of what I want to do.

"You're gonna get hurt. I just don't trust doing that to you just yet," Harry sighs with a disappointed look on his face.

"Please?" I beg.

I pull Harry in for a kiss and begin running my hands through his thick mop of curls. I lean my forehead against his, looking into his piercing green eyes.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks, hoping that I changed my mind.

"I want this," I whisper.

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you more than anyone," I admit, "I love you."

I pull my shirt over my head to save Harry the energy and unclip my bra as well. Harry looks scared, so I kiss him to reassure him that it's fine and that I want to do this. Harry pushes his jeans down and throws them to the side. As I'm laying in my underwear, Harry's laying on top of me in his boxers. Harry glances up at me once again and I nod to let him know it's OK. We both slide our underwear off of each other as Harry just lays on top of me, almost unsure as to what do next.

"Harry?" I question as I notice his uneasiness.

"Are you sure?"

"Harry I told you like a thousand times I am."

Harry sighs and then props himself up on his elbows. He looks into my eyes as he slowly inserts himself. I grip the bed sheets in pain, biting my lip as well. Harry's eyes immediately fill with guilt when he notices my pain.

"I told you I didn't want to do it," Harry complains.

"It's fine.......please don't stop," I mumble.

When Harry gets in all the way, he remains still to give me a chance to expand a bit. Harry glances up at me so I give him a quick kiss before he slowly begins thrusting.

"I can't believe we're doing this right now," Harry mumbles.

I suddenly groan in pain, much louder than I planned to when he hit my g-spot.

"Hey, Harry everything OK in there?" Liam asks as he knocks on his bedroom door.

Harry's eyes grow wide when he hears Liam's voice. He covers my mouth and quickly pulls himself out. Harry pulls the covers up on top of us to shield Liam's view of us. I decide instead of getting thousands of questions that I should hide under the covers, so I do so.

"Come in!" Harry calls.

I hear the door swing open and then hear Liam speak.

"I heard a noise and just wanted to make sure that everything's alright," Liam begins.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just kicked something while on my way to bed. That's all," Harry lies.

"OK.........?" Liam questions as he begins to walk out, "hey, have you seen Liz?"

I can sense Harry tense up when he hears my name. God Harry I bet you look so guilty right now.

"Um I haven't seen her," he manages to say.

I hear the door close, signaling Liam left. I crawl out from under the covers to see Harry blushing like crazy. I hold back my laughter at the thought that we basically just totally got busted.

"I should probably go," I whisper as I begin to hop out of his bed.

"No, wait. Stay here........with me," Harry blushes as he holds my hand.

I smile at Harry's kind request and cuddle up to Harry. Harry wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," he apologizes.

"Harry I'm fine," I insist.

"I love you Liz."

"I love you too Harry," I whisper as I begin to drift off to sleep with Harry's arms wrapped around my waist.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now