Chapter 37-Johnny Depp

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"What are you gonna do?!?"

"I screwed up big time!"

"Yeah you did. It's all over the internet-"

"Like I don't see that Eleanor!" I yell.

"You gotta tell Harry," Eleanor softly says, clearly trying to calm down.

"I can't tell Harry. He's gonna get mad-"

"Well duh! You kissed Niall..........." Eleanor trails off, "wait a minute......."

"What?" I ask.

"There's an old saying I read somewhere. I forget exactly what it says. Let me see if I can look it up," she states as she begins typing on her laptop.

Eleanor quickly goes into Google Images and is typing away in search of the quote. After a few short moments of searching, she claps her hands together when she finds what she's looking for.

"I found it!" She cheers, "it's from Johnny Depp. If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

"That's deep. So what are you saying?"

"I think I'm saying that you don't believe that Harry's gonna stay committed so now you've fallen for Niall."

"But I'm not falling for him. It was just one kiss-"

"Yeah, hand holding and kissing is not just an act of kindness. You're just in denial Liz."

Instead of continuing the conversation, I just sigh and head to my room where Harry's still napping. When I open the door, I see Niall chatting with Harry and Harry's cuddling Dylan. How the hell did Niall get inside?!?

"Harry," I begin, but quickly cut myself off before I even give myself a chance to finish.

Instead of saying anything, he just looks at me, seeming to be ignoring me. I look at Niall and he knows I'm looking at him, yet he avoids eye contact.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, not really sure what else to say, "it was an accident. Niall was just being so nice and-"

"Save it," Harry interrupts as he puts his hand in my face signaling for me to stop talking.

"I just couldn't help myself," I mumble.

"You're engaged Liz. You should know better," Niall snaps, clearly ashamed of me.

"How did you-"

"I saw the ring."

"It was a setup Liz," Harry mutters.

"What the hell are you talking about?!?"

"I asked Niall to take you to the park and to act like a gentleman just to see what'd you do. You were doing so well up until you held his hand. It was a test of faithfulness...........and you failed-"

"Please don't tell me that this conversation is going where I think it's going," I panic.

"Liz-" Harry begins.

"No, if you're gonna break up with me you're being selfish. That Lola chick, yeah, remember her? You almost had sex with her! Don't even think about breaking up with me for cheating if you're gonna go out and hang around sexy girls who you want to have sex with," I argue and storm out of the room.

"Ouch. That was a bit harsh," I hear Niall mutter.

I don't care. Harry's being an ass right now. He's gonna break up with me for cheating and yet he's nearly cheated at least a dozen times and I still haven't broken up with him yet. Harry's overreacting way too much. He's nuts about me and yet when I make one mistake he practically hates me.

"So how'd it go?" Eleanor asks.

"I honestly just don't know at this point," I mumble, feeling as though I'm gonna cry again.

"Are you and Harry over?"

"I don't know.........I wish we weren't but in his mind I'm pretty sure we are........I just want a guy that won't dump me after one mistake. Harry could've at least mentioned that he made Niall act nice. He basically set me up so he could have an excuse to dump me. It's not fair."

"Life isn't fair Liz...........Get used to it."

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now