Chapter 47-I Want You To Be Mine And Only Mine

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  • Dedicated to Cody Simpson

I sit up in bed after a long nights sleep. I check the clock to see that it's only a little after eight in the morning.

"Harry," I mumble.

"What?" He groans as he tosses and turns in bed.

"Harry get up it's morning," I reply as I push him out of bed resulting in him flopping on the floor.

I feel bad when I hear him groan in pain but then burst into laughter when I hear him start snoring. I hop out of bed and walk over to where Harry lies. I lay down next to him and push his brown curls out of his face to look at his baby like face. I kiss him on the cheek, leaving him snore on the floor in nothing but his boxers. I stand up, yawning and stretching, only to find a happy-go-lucky Dylan bouncing in his crib, desperate to get out. I smile and pick him up, holding him in my arms. He reaches out in the air in an attempt to grab Harry, when suddenly an evil yet hilarious idea pops in my head. If I can't get Harry to get up, maybe Dylan can. I walk over to Harry and then place Dylan on his back. He sits there looking at me for a minute as if asking what I'm doing when he suddenly crawls up to his neck and begins pulling on his curls. Harry yelps in pain and immediately shoots me a death glare.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I laugh as Harry gets up, holding Dylan.

"Next time, just leave me sleep," Harry grumbles as he walks out.

I watch Harry exit my room with Dylan in his arms.

"I think you might've ripped some of my hair out," Harry mumbles as he rubs the back of his head, causing me to giggle.

I walk into my bathroom to take a shower when I notice that I'm beginning to get a baby bump. I lightly smile and then take my shower. I come out with my hair sopping wet and wrap myself up in a nearby towel. I walk out of the bathroom to see Liam surprisingly standing in my room, waiting for me.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask nervously.

"You never told me that you had a miscarriage," he mumbles, not bothering to look at me.

I begin to approach him when he suddenly walks to the other side of the room, still avoiding eye contact. I try to see if I can see any emotion on his face when I notice that he looks hurt.

"Excuse me?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"You never told me that Dylan was supposed to have a sister," Liam speaks up as he looks directly into my chocolate brown eyes.

"H-how do you know that?" I ask, afraid to know his answer.

"I just got a text message saying that you had a miscarriage when you had Dylan and that everyone knew about it EXCEPT ME!!" Liam yells as he begins to cry.

"Liam I'm sorry-"

"It's been over six damn months and you still haven't said anything!!" He shouts, becoming angrier by the second.

"I didn't know how to tell you because of everything you've been through. I didn't wanna make you anymore upset," I apologize.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam asks, seeming to calm down because his face is turning softer.

"Because I knew you'd be upset........." I trail off, "who was the text from?"

"A blocked number. I wasn't sure if it was true or not so I asked the boys and they all said that it was true."

"Probably Lola......." I mumble, angry.

I sit down on my bed, unsure of what to do or say next. Liam just decides to walk out, leaving me alone. I stand up and begin to make my way over to my closet when Liam walks back in.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now