Chapter 42-Lola Mania

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After the little "incident" at the bonfire, I chuck my sweatshirt into a nearby garbage bin as Zayn, the guests, and I all make our way up the hill into the parking lot. I pull up the hood to Zayn's sweatshirt when I see Lola in the distance on her phone. I begin to walk over to her when she suddenly turns around so to hide, I duck behind a nearby car.

"I understand............Yes she will be punished.........I call the shots around here so just chill. I'll handle this. And more importantly I'll handle Harry. No that immature little pervert means nothing to me. Zayn's the one I'm after. He's the one that can get me what I want...........No you dipshit I don't want money, well I do but that's not what I'm really after. Look her and her army of perverted idiots killed my boyfriend. I'm not just gonna stand around and let them get away with it. No, I'm gonna give them what they deserve. I've got this. I don't need you......yet-"

"Why do you want Zayn?" I ask, appearing out from my hiding spot.

"Oh sweetie, you wouldn't understand-"

"I said why do you want Zayn? Since when is it ever an issue to answer a simple question?"

"Well which question do you expect me to answer?" She smirks.

"I think you know. And don't try to play dumb with me. Don't even think about lying-"

"Oh, so I can't lie yet you can? Lying's just gonna get you into more and more trouble. There's enough lies that you've already told to land you, your fiancée and his friends in prison! And I don't think you wanna go there, now do you?" Lola snaps.

"What do you want with Zayn?" I ask once again. This time suddenly feeling much more brave and confident.

"I want Zayn because he's attractive-"

"That's a lie! Yes, he's attractive yet that's not the real reason-"

"My boyfriend wanted one thing and one thing only.......You.......And if he can't have you then I'm gonna take the next best thing-"

"Who?" I sternly ask.

"If I tell you you're gonna tell the boys......and I can't have that. This plan is going perfectly and it'll stay that way as long as you keep your big fat mouth shut. You don't share my secrets, I won't share yours. Is that clear?" She smirks as she turns around and walks the other way.

I glare at her as she walks, my head about ready to explode. That girl pisses me off big time. I want to remove her head from her body but if I do so I'll pay the price. That girl holds more secrets than I can even remember. Suddenly feeling as though a demon dragon is taking over my body, I dart to Lola and shove her to the ground. She smirks at me as though I've really done it now.

"Do whatever you want. You threaten to tell my secrets but knowing you, you'll never do it because you know if you do you'll lose the one thing that you need most......Zayn," I bravely state as I pin her to the ground.

I begin to reach for her phone when suddenly I feel a sharp pain jolt through my body. I wince in pain and fall to the ground. I then feel weight sitting on my body and then my vision begins to become hazy.

And then it's all a blur from there..........

*Lola's POV*

She's playing a dangerous game...........What she doesn't know is that I play back, only harder. And I make sure there's consequences. I look around to see if there are any witnesses and then I drag Liz's body over to a nearby bush. I drop her body to the ground and then get a sneaky idea in my head. I grab her engagement ring and slip it into my pocket. It'll be a hell of a lot easier getting rid of Liz when she's single. I make my way down to where the boys are and immediately hug Zayn.

"Hello," I mumble as I look into Zayn's fierce chocolate eyes.

"You're devious........I like that," Zayn smirks.

"I figured you would......." I sexily whisper.

I wrap my arms around Zayn's left arm and look into the darkness. This boy is my key to everything. I admire my surroundings when I notice Eleanor looking at us. I smile and wave and she does the same. I mouth the words thank you and then pull out my phone to send her a text.

From: Lola

I owe you one.

From: Eleanor

Don't mention it. Sisters forever right?

From: Lola

Yeah. Forever.

I excuse myself from Zayn for one minute and slowly strut over to Harry. I place my left arm on his right shoulder.

"Thank you. I'm glad you changed your mind," I whisper sexily into his ear.

Now that Harry's completely out of the picture, he's given me access to my one and only target.......


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