Chapter 20-Truth Or Dare

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As I'm in the middle of my desperately needed sleep, I begin to feel the presence of another beside me. I slowly open my eyes to see Harry relaxing beside me. I spring up, thinking that I'm dreaming, when I realize that this isn't a dream. Harry is actually here right now beside me. I plant a gentle kiss on his lips and hug him, awakening Harry.

"When did you get here?" I ask, surprised that he's actually here with me right now.

"Like ten minutes ago," Harry answers, "you guys ready to go?"

"I just have to pack a few more things and then get Dylan's things together and then I'm ready," I explain.

"I'll go pack Dylan's stuff. You just get dressed and finish getting the rest of your stuff together. Sound good?" Harry tells me as he gives me a gentle kiss and hops out of bed heading off to Dylan's room.

I nod and then throw the covers off of myself to finish packing.

"I told you that you should've packed everything. I must be psychic but NOO Liz thinks she knows everything but she doesn't," Eleanor laughs as she watches me finish packing.

"Hahaha very funny," I mutter sarcastically.

I zip closed my final suitcase and lug it downstairs where I see Niall flashing me a smile. I love his smile. It just makes him look all that much more attractive.

"Hi," I mumble awkwardly.

"You excited to go?" Niall asks.

"Honestly, no not really," I sigh.

I look down at the floor at then storm out to the living room, conflicted.

"Why?" Niall asks right as I turn around and abandon him, "Liz.......Liz wait."

I continue walking when suddenly Niall jumps in front of me, stopping me before I run him over.

"Hey! What's the matter?" He asks, sensing something's not right.

"Just leave me alone," I mutter as I sit down on the couch and cover my face with my hands.

"Liz.....I hate seeing you like this. Why are you so afraid of leaving and coming with us?" He asks as he tries to pry my hands off my face.

"Don't touch me," I mumble as I lay down on the couch and scoot away from Niall, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.

"Talk to me Liz. Why don't you wanna come?" He asks once again.

"Because........." I trail off.

"Tell me," Niall instructs.

"I'm afraid the fans are gonna hate me," I whisper into the pillow that I'm laying on.

"You're what?" Niall asks, not able to make out what I just said.

Niall sits me up on the couch and has my head lean on his shoulder. He cares so much about me and he's so protective of me. I love him........

"I said that I'm afraid the fans are gonna hate me," I mumble a little louder and clearly than before.

"Liz, why would you think such a thing?" Niall asks, confused.

"I don't know....."

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" Liam asks.

"Yeah," I reply, "where's Harry?"

"Upstairs bringing Dylan's stuff down."

I get up off the couch after Liam answers my question. I walk out to the foyer and help Harry bring Dylan's stuff down. When I finish loading the stuff in the tour bus. I set Dylan in Harry's bedroom to finish the rest of his nap. I'm sure Dylan's gonna be a lot less fussy knowing that he has Harry by his side now. The rest of the boys board the bus and then we're off to wherever One Direction's next destination is. I walk out to the lounge area of the bus to see everyone chilling out, relaxing. I take a seat next to Harry and he wraps his arm around my neck. I smile and then Harry gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

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