Chapter 34-Testing

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Niall's right, I should tell Harry. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I tell Niall to help me stand up and he does so. I creep out into the hallway, very nervous, and find Harry sitting on the couch, alone. I gently take a seat next to him and he greets me by giving me a kiss.

"Harry," I nervously say, feeling a huge lump in my throat, "I have something to tell you.......and I'm not exactly sure how you're gonna react."

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Harry asks.

I'm taken aback, appalled that he already knew what I was going to say. Well at least he said it so now I don't have to because I'm pretty sure that I would've chickened out before I told him.

"H-how'd you know?" I ask, surprised.

"I figured something was up yesterday morning when you ran out during breakfast to puke," he admits.

"Are you mad?" I ask, afraid to hear his answer.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Of course I'm not mad. But I feel guilty because now the next nine months for you are gonna be nothing but a living Hell."

"They'll be fine as long as I'm with you," I whisper, feeling relieved that he's not angry as I hold his hand.

"Are you sure you are though?" Harry asks.

"I'm not sure. I haven't tested yet."

"Well you should," Harry insists.

"I don't have any pregnancy tests on me. And I'm pretty sure there are none on this bus-"

"Well then we need to make a stop at CVS to pick up pregnancy tests, pads, tampons, condoms..........I'm pretty sure that's it," Harry blurts as he mentally creates a list of things that he needs to pick up while he's there.

Not even a second later he gets off the couch and leaves the bus, entering the parking lot. I decide to follow him only to see him walking towards his Range Rover. He gets inside, starts up the engine, and pulls out of his parking space. I honestly think he's leaving without me, however my doubt is immediately put to a stop when I see him pull up in front of me. When he stops, he rolls his window down, signaling he's gonna say something.

"You coming or what?" He calls.

Realizing that I'm supposed to come with, I quickly run around to the passenger side of the car and hop in. As soon as I shut the door, Harry takes off to the pharmacy.

"So, you're excited about the baby?" I ask right before we stop at a red light.

"Of course. And I'm even more excited because this one's mine............It is mine, right?"

"Of course," I giggle, "stop being silly Harry."

"I'm just checking. Who else knows?"

When I hear his question, my heart stops in its tracks. All of my thoughts just suddenly came to a screeching halt. This is the question I did not want him to ask. He's gonna be so pissed when he finds out I told other people before him.

"Who else knows?" Harry repeats when the light turns green.

"E-Eleanor and N-Niall," I nervously stutter, afraid to see his reaction. Instead of seeing his face turn red with boiling anger, I decide to just avoid eye contact and look out the window, admiring the scenery.

Surprisingly, Harry doesn't say a word. I look at his face to see if there was any sort of expression on his face indicating how he feels but instead, his face is blank; no smile, frown, or angry face to be found.

"A-are you mad?" I ask.

Instead of replying, Harry just remains quiet. Yup, he's mad all right. Harry pulls into the CVS pharmacy parking lot and picks the first available spot right in front of the door, preventing a long walk. I step out of the vehicle and begin to walk across the parking lot to the store. I stop right before the road, checking to make sure the coast's clear, and it is, so I begin to cross. When I begin crossing, I suddenly feel something grab my hand. I turn around to see it's Harry. A small smile spreads across my face knowing how protective he is to me.

"I'm not letting you go in there alone," he mumbles.

Instead of saying anything, I just step to my left a little bit to get closer to Harry. When we're walking side by side, hand in hand, I feel happy. The doors swing open, revealing the small pharmacy. We begin making our way down each and every aisle until we come across the aisle where the tampons, pads, birth control pills, condoms, and pregnancy tests are located. I tap Harry on the shoulder showing him that I found it and he begins looking for the condoms that I assume either that he wants or what the boys want.

"You can go find the pregnancy tests," he mumbles as he points a little farther down the aisle.

I nod, following his instructions, and proceed to the pregnancy test part of the aisle. When I stop at the correct spot, I notice that there must be at least two dozen different kinds and brands of tests. God which one am I supposed to choose?!? I quickly grab three boxes that say First Results on them and move on to buy birth control pills, pads, and tampons. When I pick out the rest of my items, I meet Harry by the register to pay for our items. We stand in line and after a few minutes of patiently waiting it's finally our turn to check out. Harry walks up to the register with our basket of items and I follow him. He puts the basket on the table and begins unloading it. I'm just awkwardly standing beside him, unsure of what to do. Instead of just standing there for at least the next five minutes or so, I decide to pick up a magazine that's displayed. I begin skimming through the pages as though I'm actually interested in reading this stupid thing when suddenly I hear a loud ding. I jump in my spot, dropping the magazine, resulting in Harry chuckling. It was only the girl behind the counter scanning our stuff.

"Hello. How are you today?" A girl with a nametag that says Chloe on it greets.

"Fine. How about you?" Harry replies.

"I'm doing good," she mumbles as she continues scanning.

When she scans the boxes of pregnancy tests, she gives Harry and I a funny look. She probably thinks that we're both way too young to be having children. I think she's right.......

"Your total today is $21.47," she states as she finishes bagging our items.

Harry pulls out some cash and hands it to Chloe. She pushes a few buttons on the cash register and soon the spot where the money is located pops out. She collects Harry's change and hands it to him. She gives me the bag and soon we hop back in Harry's Range Rover to head home.

When Harry pulls back into the parking lot, I eagerly jump out of the car and sprint to the bus, anxious to get the test done and over with. I step inside only to see that the bus is empty. Hmm? I wonder where everybody is.......??

I make my way to the bathroom with the test. I lock the door behind me and immediately rip open the box. I read the instructions for what to do and nervously breathe, unsure of what the test result is gonna be. These results could completely affect my future, my future with Harry, and Harry's future. This is gonna turn is entire world upside down. I throw the box in the trash can and begin the test.

When I'm finished doing my business. I grab a couple pieces of toilet paper and place them on the counter so I have something to put the test on. I flush the toilet and nervously await the results of my test.

After three minutes go by, I look at the test results and nervously step out of the bathroom only to be bombarded by Harry, anxious to know whether or not he's gonna be a father. I begin to open my mouth to speak, but I suddenly feel another lump in my throat preventing me from doing so, so instead I just hand Harry the test. When he looks at the result, his face becomes gutted. I can see tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks, trying to hold back tears that have already started falling down his face.

I nod and Harry just gives me a hug.

"I feel terrible Harry," I whisper.

He was really looking forward to being a dad, and now I crushed that dream of his. I can't believe it. I thought for sure that I was pregnant........

I guess I was wrong..........

But maybe not being pregnant is a good thing..........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now