Chapter 36-More Than Just A Walk In The Park

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"Hello? Anybody home?" I hear Zayn call.

"In here," I reply.

I sit up in bed and push Harry over to the side. He's fast asleep, snoring........LOUDLY!! Zayn pushes my bedroom door open and immediately notices the ring I mean how could you not? The thing's gigantic and extremely shiny.

"Is that what I think it is?" Zayn asks, afraid, as he points to the ring.

"Yeah," I mumble as I bow my head in shame.

"When did you get it?"

"About a half hour ago. Dylan said his first word too. He said wing but we all know he meant ring because he was pointing to my ring when he said it-"

"I don't care! I want you-"

"Zayn please don't start this again. You're too late anyway. I already made up my mind," I beg.

"You said that when you got engaged to Liam and we both see how well that worked out."

"Zayn, seriously, GET OVER IT! I'm done sleeping and kissing all of you. The only one I'm gonna kiss and sleep with is Harry-"

"I heard my name," Harry groans and he sits up.

"Go back to sleep," I mutter.

Zayn grunts at my obnoxiousness and leaves the room. I follow behind him to see Eleanor kissing Louis on the couch. I quickly decide to be a pain in the ass and embarrass them.

"Get a room!" I yell and begin laughing.

"We would but then there'd be another one of us running around," Eleanor smiles, and I know exactly what she means.

Suddenly, a happy-go-lucky Niall hops on the bus, clearly happy about something.

"Well someone's in a good mood," I smirk.

"I am actually," Niall smiles.

"We realized that the second you walked in," Eleanor states.

"Why are you so happy?" Liam asks as he enters the room.

"He probably found a pub somewhere down the street," Zayn replies as he renters the lounge with a beer.

"Yes but that's not what I'm so happy about," Niall says.

"Well then what are you happy about?" I ask.

"Since it's a beautiful day out. I'd like to take you to the park Liz, for a walk," Niall answers, smiling the entire time.

I just stare at Niall, unsure of what to say. Unexpectedly, I nod. He quickly rushes up to me, takes my hand, and yanks me out into the parking lot.

"Niall.......slow down!" I yell as I try to keep up so I'm not being dragged across the pavement.

"I just really wanna spend some time with you," he replies.

"And you have to accomplish that by practically dragging me to the park?" I ask as we begin walking along the trail in the park.

"Knowing you, you'd be attached to Harry the entire time like you always are. I just wanna be alone with you-"

"Why so you can kiss me?" I ask, suddenly feeling as though that's what his intentions are.

"What? Of course not. You'd kill me if I would anyway. Besides, I think that we're much better off as friends and nothing more."

I'm surprised he hasn't brought up the ring yet. Maybe he hasn't even noticed it......

As we continue walking, I get the feeling as though we're being watched. I quickly turn around and then realize that I'm probably being paranoid. Niall gives me a funny look and I just shrug it off. As we continue walking, the air suddenly turns bitter and I begin to shiver, becoming cold.

"Here," Niall insists as he unzips his hoodie.

"No, Niall. I can't take that. It's yours," I refuse.

"No, you need it more than I do. I was gonna take it off anyway because I was getting hot-"

"Well now you're gonna get cold-"

"Liz just take it," he states as he puts my arms in the sleeves.

I smile at Niall's kind gesture and then we continue walking, not bothering to head back just because the air suddenly turned cold. I suddenly get the feeling that we're being watched again so I turn around, getting another funny look from Niall.

"Wow you're paranoid," Niall chuckles.

"I just feel as though we're being watched," I tell him.

"Yeah. There's a word for people like you. It's called paranoid," Niall replies.

"I swear someone's following us."

"I don't see anyone," Niall grunts as he continues walking, "c'mon."

I reluctantly catch up to Niall, trying to get my paranoia off my shoulders. As we're walking, I begin to feel something brush against me. I glance down to see Niall "accidentally" brushing my hand with his. I smile and take his hand, causing him to look at me in shock. I just giggle and continue walking with Niall's hand in mine, pretending nothing happened.

When we begin to see the entrance to the park once again, I become sad, thinking that my wonderful time with Niall has come to an end. I begin to take off his jacket when suddenly I stop and kiss him. Niall's taken aback but eventually kisses me back. I wrap my arms around his neck as I feel his hands land on my waist. When I get the paranoid feeling once again, I suddenly pull away. I awkwardly blush and then race back to the bus, leaving Niall to walk back alone.

That was totally wrong.......

I don't know what came over me........

I walk up the steps and enter the bus when I suddenly get bombarded with questions from Eleanor.

"So how was the park?" She asks first.

"Fine," I mumble as I sit down on the couch.

"What'd you do?"

"Just walked and talked. That's all," I answer, trying to not sound nervous.

"Oh really?" She questions, "because it seems like you and him had a great time by the headlines online-"

"WHAT?!?" I freak out as I take her laptop off of her lap.

Niall Horan And New Girlfriend Have A Date In The Park, the headline reads.

Oh god.......

This is really bad.......

So my feeling of being watched was real. The paparazzi were taking photos of us. I wasn't just being paranoid after all......

"I can't believe you kissed him," Eleanor shakes his head, "what's Harry gonna think when he sees this?"

"No, no he is NOT gonna see this!" I deny.

"He's gonna see it eventually-"

"I won't let him-"

"If it's on Twitter he's gonna see it," Eleanor says.

"Well check Twitter," I instruct as I give her laptop back.

Eleanor takes a few moments to log into Twitter and within seconds she begins shaking her head.


I'm screwed........

"Oh god what does it say?" I groan.

"#Niall'sGotAGirlfriend is trending," Eleanor mumbles.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me........."

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now