Chapter 26-It's Alright......

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When I hear the sound of a gunshot, my heart stops. Please let that be Harry shooting the gun and not Nathan. I jump in terror and surprise when I hear the sound of a gunshot go a second time. I bury myself into Liam's chest even further the more times I hear the gun blare.

"It's alright," Liam whispers soothingly.

"Do you think Harry and Niall are gonna be alright?" I ask.

"I think they'll be just fine. Niall's gonna need some time to recover which would mean another delay to the tour but I don't think you'd mind that now would you?" Liam smiles.

"Not one bit," I giggle, "so where's Eleanor?"

"She's at home with Dylan and Casey. She's fine. Don't you worry."

"I just feel so guilty. I missed Nathan and stabbed Niall with the dagger instead. He's never going to forgive me!"

"It was an accident. Accidents happen," Liam replies.

"You really believe that was an accident?" I question.

"Of course. You didn't mean to stab him. You were trying to stab Nathan and missed," Liam explains.

We sit in silence for a few moments until we see Louis beginning to move. He sits up and then groans in pain from his injuries. Well at least he's alright......

"Do I even wanna ask what happened?" He asks, barely awake.

Louis looks around at all of us and then realize that some serious shit just went down if I'm crying and Niall's practically lying dead on the floor. Louis just barely stands up and limps over to Niall. He collapses next to him and looks at the damage that I've done.

"Damn Nathan got you good," Louis mutters to himself.

"It wasn't Nathan," I speak up, refusing to make eye contact, "it was m-me."

"Liz?" Louis asks, clearly not believing me, "you did this? Why?"

"I didn't mean to! I was trying to stab Nathan with a dagger and I hit Niall instead," I cry.

"You hit him really good," Louis notices as he checks the damage, only making me cry more.

At this point in time we see Zayn beginning to regain consciousness as well. I stumble over to him and give him a big hug, glad to see that he's alright as well.

"Don't even ask what happened," I tell him.

"I'm sorry Zayn," Rachel speaks up, "I'm sorry for harassing you on your tour bus for Liz. Nathan made me do it."

"That was you?" I question.

"I was trying to sound like Nathan."

"I just hope Niall and Harry are alright," I sigh, "I'm gonna go check up on Harry. I'll be right back-"

"No!" Zayn yells as he holds my wrist," there's a gun up there. I'm not letting you go up there knowing that you could get hurt."

"I'll be fine. It's probably just Harry anyway," I reply as I walk up the steps.

I slowly make my way up the cellar steps and enter the hallway. I make a left when I gasp in shock.

Is he d-dead?!?

Oh my god..........

Feeling tears well up in my eyes, I break down into tears in the middle of the hallway. I look a little further down the hallway to see another body. This one is at least alive. I stand up and go join him to ask what happened.

"Are you alright?!?" I ask as I nuzzle my face into his chest.

"I'm fine...........but he's not," he admits.

"Did you do that to him?"

"He took the gun from me and tried to shoot me multiple times. When the gun ran out of bullets, I realized I had no other way to attack him so I knocked him out with a vase and just beat him till he died," he explains.

"I'm just so glad you're alright," I whisper as I hug him once more.

I help aid his arm that got injured when Liam appears at the top of the steps.

"Oh my......" he gasps, "Liz, Niall wants to see you."

"NIALL?!?" I jump up. my heart racing now knowing that he's alright.

Oh thank god everyone's OK........

Well, maybe not him.........

But everyone other than him, totally fine. Just a few cuts and bruises is all.......

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now