Chapter 6-A Surprise For Harry

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"Attention passengers, please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing in London shortly," the main flight attendant announces.

This is it. In about an hour or so and I'll be back in Harry's arms. It's been so long since I've seen him. I quickly think of an idea and then I pull out my phone and text Eleanor.

From: Me

Hey, I caught a flight back to London. But don't tell Harry. I need you to make sure that he stays home for at least the next hour or so till I get there. See ya soon x.

I press send and the message gets sent to Eleanor's phone. Within a few seconds she replies.

From: Eleanor

No prob. See ya soon. I'm excited 2 c u :)

Instead of replying, I just put my phone back into my pocket and fasten my seatbelt. I feel the plane hit the pavement. I immediately hop out of my seat when I see the door open and run out, anxious to get home.

From: Me

Hey, can u pick me up from the airport? DO NOT TELL HARRY WHERE U R GOING!!!

From: Eleanor

B there in a bit :)

From: Me


From: Eleanor

Anything for my best friend :)

I smile when I read her message and then slip my phone into my back pocket, grab my luggage, and make my way to the front door to wait to see Eleanor's car pull up to the curb to pick me up.

About 15 minutes pass and then I see Eleanor's familiar face in her car, driving up to the curb. I pick up my stuff and proceed to the edge of the sidewalk and then hop in when she stops the car.

"How'd you get back here?" Eleanor asks.

"I used Niall's credit card-don't tell him, and I booked a plane ticket. I couldn't stand being away from Harry," I explain.

"Aww," she smiles.

"Yeah...." I mumble, "does he know I'm here?"

"He has no idea."

"Kay. Good."

We remain silent for the rest of the drive and soon I see the familiar neighborhood in which we live in.

"Duck down so he can't see you," Eleanor instructs as we begin to pull up to the house.

I follow her instructions and duck down so Harry can't see me in the car when we come back to the house. Eleanor pulls into the driveway and she tells me to stay put so I obey. She gets out of the car and then walks up to the front door to tell Harry that she has a surprise for him.

"What's the surprise?" Harry asks as I see Eleanor dragging him down the patio.

"You'll see......." she trails off.

"Why'd we stop in front of your car?"

"Open the door...." she instructs. I can notice her with the biggest grin on her face in the entire world. I'm so glad she's helping me pull of the biggest surprise ever for Harry.

I hear Harry groan and then I watch him grab the door handle and pull the door open. I step out and just smile. Suddenly, Harry picks me up and twirls me around, clearly thrilled to see me.

"LIZ!!!!" Harry cheers before he places the sexiest kiss ever on my lips.

I pull away and then wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you," he smiles.

"While you two enjoy each other I'm gonna bring your bags in the house," Eleanor states as she opens up the back door, "oh and Harry, you might wanna control your downstairs."

I look down only to notice his package practically triple in size. I blush and begin giggling but quickly cover my mouth with my hand in an attempt to resist laughing. Harry blushes a deep shade of red and quickly covers up his crotch with his hands. He's so embarrassed right now, especially because Eleanor pointed it out.

"Apparently your downstairs is just excited to see Liz as your upstairs is," Eleanor laughs as she heads into the house.

"I can't help it!" Harry blushes.

"It's OK Harry," I smile.

Well, maybe it's not OK for Harry, but for everyone else it is.....

"I can't help it.......I'm so attracted to you," Harry whispers sexily.

"I can tell," I giggle as I point to his crotch.

"DAMMIT!!" Harry yells, frustrated, "will you girls stop making jokes about my crotch?"

"We will as soon as you control it," I hear Eleanor call.

I smile at Harry's frustration. I give him a gentle kiss and he quickly increases his passion in it. He leans me up against the hood of the car and I lean down so my back is touching the hood. Harry places his hands on either side of my head to balance himself as he continues kissing me. When he pulls away, I notice that he has the same frightened look on his face from when he left for tour. What the hell is wrong with you Harry?!? Why does he suddenly become so terrified after we begin kissing?!?

I look at Harry with confusion written all over my face. He runs his hands through his mop of curls and walks inside. I sit up and just stand in front of the car, confused as to why Harry's been acting strange lately. This isn't like him.......

And he only acts like this when he's around me.......

And it's beginning to worry me.......

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now