Chapter 35-Something Unexpected

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"I'm sorry Harry," I whisper as I hug him tighter.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"I don't know-"

"Liz it's nothing you did wrong!" Harry states.

"Well it feels like it!" I cry.

I bend my head in shame, feeling as though it's my fault I'm not pregnant.

"When did you first think that you could be pregnant?" Harry asks.

"Two days ago," I mumble.

"I think I know why it says it's negative. I think you tested way too early. You have to be pregnant. There's no other explanation for your morning sickness."

"You really think I just tested too early?" I ask, "and Harry, you actually WANT me to be pregnant?"

"Well, yeah. Actually, I was hoping to eventually see a mini me running around," Harry partially smiles.

"You were?" I ask.

"Totally. Liz, I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and start a family as well."

"Harry you sound like you're proposing," I giggle.

"I am, actually," Harry says seriously as he gets down on one knee, "Elizabeth Thompson, would you like to have the honor of being my special princess for the rest of your life?"

"Oh.........oh my god," I mumble as happy tears form in my eyes, "I honestly don't know what to say. This is such a surprise. I never expected this."

"Is that a yes?"

"That's the biggest, fattest yes ever!" I cheer as I hug him.

"Wing!" Dylan cheers, obviously meaning ring.

"Did he just-"

"Dylan!" I yell excitedly as I pick him up and turn him around, "you said your first word! How about mama, can you say mama?"

"Liz he just said his first word it's not like he's just gonna start talking like a normal person now," Harry smirks.

"Well it's worth a shot."

"Now put Dylan down so I can give you your ring," Harry instructs.

As I listen to his command, I approach Harry when he gives me a large diamond ring. I gasp in surprise as I admire the ring.

"Harry this must've cost you a fortune."

"If it's for you, the price doesn't matter," he whispers sexily, making me putty in his hands.

"I-I can't believe we're engaged!" I cheer, "and I'm so excited to tell the others."

"You're not afraid to tell them?"

"Not this time, because I know I'm not making a mistake," I smile as he places a romantic kiss on my lips.

"I love you Liz."

"I love you Harry."

"Wing!!!" Dylan yells, causing Harry and I to laugh and smile.

"Yes Dylan, it's a ring," I tell him as I show him my ring, "it's mommy's engagement ring. Your mommy and daddy are getting married."

"And I'm so excited," Harry whispers as he pulls me in for another kiss.

"So am I," I reply.


"Dylan you're too cute," I giggle, "did you know about this Dylan?"

"Maybe........" Harry smirks.

"I don't deserve someone as wonderful as you."

"Yes you do," Harry replies.

"I love you."

"I love you too. And I can't wait to change your last name to Styles."

"Neither can I," I smile as Harry and I relax on my bed and cuddle with Dylan, celebrating our engagement.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now