Chapter 16-Distance Sucks

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*Harry's POV*

I miss you Liz.... I miss you so much........

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask, "concert?"

"More!" Louis yells.

"You guys can. I'll pass thanks," I state.

"Oh no you're not," Liam snaps, "can't we just have a good time with just the five of us instead of having to worry about the girls?!?"

"Liz misses me-"

"Oh, so you think that I don't miss Eleanor or Casey?!?" Louis argues.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Well the way you said it made it seem like you did."

I sigh, tired from my argument with Louis. I can't stand being on tour if I can't be on tour with my girlfriend and son. I walk to the back of the bus to my room and decide to take a desperately needed nap.

*Liz's POV*

"Hey, you OK?" Eleanor asks as she sees me leaning up against the door.

"I.........I just miss him so much that's all," I manage to say through all my tears.

"It's gonna be alright. You'll get used to the distance eventually. You just gotta have enough faith and trust in him knowing that he'll make the right decisions."

"I guess......." I mumble.

*Harry's POV*

"Harry get up......" Zayn whispers as he shakes me awake.

"Ugh! Morning already?" I groan.

"Not exactly. We're here."

"Where?" I ask.

"The club. The guys are already inside hurry up."

"I don't wanna go party. I wanna just stay here and take a nap. I'm tired," I complain.

Suddenly I feel myself being dragged out of bed by Zayn. I fall to the floor and Zayn immediately pulls me up and drags me inside. When we get inside, I'm greeted by sexy ladies clearly wanting me to bang them. I ignore the girls and just make my way over to where Liam, Louis, and Niall are.

"Well, well, well. Looks like someone's not a party pooper after all," Liam states.

"What made you change your mind?" Niall asks.

"Zayn dragged me out of bed," I answer.

"Thought so," Louis mutters.

"Well, now that we're all here. Let's go party!!!" Niall yells as he makes his way over to the dance floor with his beer in his hand.

"I got you this," Zayn tells me as he hands me a bottle of beer.

After at least ten minutes of constant bickering, I reluctantly take the beer just to shut Zayn up. I'm probably just gonna set the beer on a table somewhere and just leave it. I really don't want to party but the guys aren't giving me a choice. I walk up to the dance floor to party to Best Song Ever when this sudden hot girl approaches me. She tries to not make it obvious that she wants me but she does want me........

But I don't want her......

I want Liz.......

I turn around to look for the others when I see them all dancing with a hot girl, even Louis. He's probably just gonna tell Eleanor that he was having a "little fun". I thought we knew better. But when there's beer and hot girls........we don't.......

"Hi," the girl greets, "I'm Lola."

"Harry," I reply.

"I know," she manages to yell over the music, "do you wanna dance?"

"Not really, no. Sorry," I tell her as I walk off the dance floor.

I walk to the back of the club where there's a lounge area. I take a seat on the one couch and just relax. Lola seems nice, but I like Liz.

"You want some company?" Lola asks, surprising me.

"I don't care....." I mutter.

"What's the matter?" She asks.

"I miss my girlfriend......." I mumble.

"Oh......." she sighs, clearly upset that I'm not single.

We sit in silence, unsure of what to say next. Lola scoots a little closer to me, not that I mind. She places her hand on my leg, seemingly trying to flirt with me.

"I know this is a random question but if I wanted to have sex with you, would you have sex with me?" Lola asks.

"Why are you asking me this?" I ask.

"I'm just curious....." she mumbles.

Realizing that I'm still holding my beer, I decide to have a swig of it, so I do so. I lower my bottle and then Lola takes a sip of hers. She stands up and then sits on my lap, clearly trying to seduce me.

"Lola," I sigh as I push her off of me, "you seem really nice and all but I have a girlfriend and I'm not really interested."

"You're making a big mistake. You don't know how good I am in bed.........and I can tell that you want to get in bed with your "girlfriend"-"

"I just don't wanna push her and rush our relationship," I snap.

"I can tell that you tensed up. That means that you know you want me. You just don't wanna betray her. She won't find out........" Lola seductively whispers.

"Please........stop," I whisper, feeling tense.

"Are you sure about that?" She sexily whispers.

Before I have a chance to say no once again, Lola strips into her bra and underwear. I watch her unzip her dress and then the next thing I know she's standing in front of me in lacy lingerie. My eyes grow wide when I get a good look at her. She's so hot. I'd love to fuck her-oh what am I saying?!? I can't cheat on Liz.......but I want to. She looks so athletic and flexible. The fact that she has big boobs and a nice sized ass is only a bonus. She flashes me a sexy smirk. Alright, that's it. I can't take it anymore. I want her............I need her......

I walk over to the front entrance of the lounge, shut the curtain, and tie the curtains shut so we don't have any interruptions.

"I knew you'd come around........." Lola whispers as she unclips her bra and slides her underwear off.

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