Chapter 30-Trust Issues Much?

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"Have you told Harry?" Eleanor asks.

"No. And I said that I THINK I'm pregnant. I didn't say I am."

"Well, if you are what are you gonna do?"

"I.........I don't know....." I trail off, too scared to continue speaking.

Eleanor shakes her head in dismay and opens up her laptop. I figure that she's done talking to me so I head into my room. A thousand thoughts rushing through my head like cars on the highway. When a brilliant idea comes into my head, I quickly make my way into Niall's room. I take a seat on his bed and grab his guitar.

"I'm imprisoned, I'm living a lie, Another night of putting on a disguise, I wanna tear it off and step in the light, Don't you, don't you? So now I'm knocking at your front door, And I'm looking for the right cure, I'm still a little bit unsure, 'Cause I know, Yeah I know. That most people see me as ordinary, But if you look close you'll find I'm very, Interesting and hard to know, You can never tell where this might go, 'Cause I'm not your average, average person, I don't know much, but I know for certain, That I'm just a little bit extra, extra, I'm just a little bit extra ordinary," I sing and play.

"How long have you been playing?" Niall blurts, scaring me.

"You heard me?" I ask, surprised that he didn't say that I sounded like a dying whale.

"Yeah. You're really good. Who taught you to play like that?"

"I taught myself. What are you doing here?"

"Umm.......Just got bored......" He mumbles.

"You don't just get bored while drinking. What happened?" I ask, knowing he's lying.

"We-well I got kicked out-"

"Why?!?!" I yell.

"I....uh.......I may or may not have gotten in a bar fight over a girl......" Niall trails off.

"What'd she look like?"

"I don't know. I was drunk. And in my defense he started it by telling me that I was in his way. The dude was so freaking insane! He nearly called the cops on me-"

"And you would've gotten in a huge shitload of trouble-"

"Like I don't realize that!" Niall yells.

"You know what? I'll just get out. Sorry I asked," I snap as I throw my arms up in the air in frustration.

"I'm sorry-"

"Where's Harry?" I interrupt before he has a chance to finish apologizing.

"Inside having a drink."

I push past Niall and just decide to let what he said go.......for now. When I become bored, I decide to go on Twitter. I sign in and the first thing I see is a new post from Harry.


Havin' a drink with my mates and a few lovely ladies ;)

I figured he would've attached a picture but he didn't. Whether the girls are fans or just sluts like Lola, I'll never know unless I ask him and if I do he'll probably ask why I care and most likely end up thinking that I don't trust him. Honestly, sometimes I don't trust him, but that's really only when he's drunk because when he's drunk he doesn't really know what he's doing and he can't really control himself. I should be mad at him if he cheats on me when he's drunk but for some odd reason, I'm not, and sometimes I feel stupid for that. To get over my worrying about what's going on inside, I decide to call him. I press call and he picks up after a couple rings.

"Heeeeyyyyyy babe!" Harry yells, clearly way past wasted.

"Hi," I greet, "how are things?"

"Things are good. Things are really, really good. Things!"

My eyes suddenly grow at the thought that he's staring at other girls inside. He's attracted to hot sexy sluts who basically spend their entire life in bars. And here I am, nerdy, ugly, and possibly pregnant. Harry wants a hot, thin, sexy slut for a girlfriend........

...........then that's exactly what I'll give him.......

Time to commence Operation Makeover.........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now