Chapter 43-You're My Puppet

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*Lola's POV*

As we begin to make our way to our cars, I quickly leave Zayn's side to join Harry for a brief moment.

"Hey, I found this in the parking lot earlier," I whisper as I hand him the ring, "that is yours, right?"

"Well it's not mine, but I bought it for Liz. It was her engagement ring. Why would she take this off?" Harry wonders, falling directly into my trap to split the two of them up.

"I don't know," I smirk, "maybe she isn't interested in marrying you. It's a shame. You're a great guy and all," I play innocent as I lean up against him.

"Lola, I told you I didn't want you. Then you thanked me for turning you down and now you're flirting with me. Make up your damn mind already! Do you want me or no?!? I can't keep sneaking around with you anymore. We're gonna get caught," Harry whispers, acting as though he's being featured on America's Most Wanted.

"Chill. I've got it covered-"

"And then when Liz dumps me then what are you gonna do?!?" Harry panics.

"Wait," I stop, "you actually care about that slob? She's nothing but a worthless piece of trash that you guys snatched off the streets. She's your slave........and I recommend you start treating her like one-"

"She WAS a slave. There's a difference-"

"Once a slave always a slave," I return his glare, holding my ground.

I storm off, away from Harry in search of Zayn. I rejoin him and continue to the parking lot where we see Liam and Niall kneeling on the ground. We all crowd around when I realize that they found Liz. Now would be a good time to run, so I shall start running away now.....

*Harry's POV*

I notice Liz lying unconscious in front of some bushes and just as I'm about to go visit her, I notice Lola running away, so I decide to follow her. I sneak up behind her and then sternly make my presence known. And I'm no longer screwing around. This is serious. You can mess with me all you want. But when you mess with my personal life, my friends, my family, and my fiancée then you've crossed the line.

"I don't see why you're running. Running away isn't getting you any closer from your precious Zayn," I state, causing Lola to quickly turn around and glare at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lola asks, slowly approaching me.

"Asking why you attacked my fiancée-"

"I thought you two were done for-"

"Well you thought wrong," I state, "now what'd you do and why'd you do it?!?"

"Why do you care-"

"Because I love her! Isn't it obvious?!?" I yell.

"She knows too much! And she wants to play this game. What she doesn't know is how hard I play. I just gave her a little Anastasia to put her to sleep. Too bad it's only temporary... At least now she won't remember a thing," Lola explains.

*Liz's POV*

"Liz? Liz? Can you hear me?" I hear a voice ask.

"She appears to be waking up," another voice chimes in.

"Yeah. I can see her eyes fluttering open. Liz can you hear us?" A third one speaks.

"W-what happened?" I ask, still half asleep.

"We're not entirely sure......" Louis questions.

"How much do you remember?" Liam asks.

"I don't know."

"Do you remember coming outside?" Niall asks.

"No......not really. Everything's a blur right now," I mumble as I rub my head.

Liam takes my hand and I suddenly wail out in pain. Liam appears confused but then quickly sees why I'm in pain.

"I'd ask what happened but you wouldn't have a clue," Liam says as he shows the others my wound.

"C'mon let's get you inside," Niall instructs.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Eleanor pipes up as she heads over towards us.

"Find Harry," I mumble, still trying to fully regain consciousness.

Liam, Niall, and Louis all lift me up and carry me onto the tour bus. They set me down on the couch when Zayn walks in. I partially smile when he stands in front of me.

"How are you feeling?" Zayn asks.

"I'd answer but honestly I don't know," I tell him.

"We've gotta find a way to bring her memory back," I hear Niall say.

*Harry's POV*

"Give up because you know I'm gonna win-"

"I'm not going down without a fight," I state.

"If a fight is what you want then a fight is what you'll get," Lola smirks.

"I am not gonna hit a girl alright," I begin to say when she suddenly punches me in the jaw.

I rub my jaw after her punch and then suddenly feel the need to punch back. I begin to lunge at her when I stop dead in my tracks.

"Take one more step and I'll tell the cops everything I know and you'll all be put in jail immediately," she threatens as she glares at me.

"Yeah but if you do you'll lose your precious Zayn-"

"I can tell the cops that Zayn's innocent," she smirks.

"And who says that they're gonna believe you?" I doubt her.

"I have evidence," she answers.

I begin to run towards her when she suddenly steps out of the way. I try to stop myself from running but my shoes can't grip onto anything, preventing me from stopping. As I reach the end of the cliff, I begin to slow down when I suddenly fall unexpectedly. Apparently the edge I was standing on was beginning to collapse and my weight standing on it caused the edge to collapse unexpectedly taking me with it. I grip onto what's left of the edge, holding on for dear life when Lola appears, hovering over me with a smirk on her face. I give her a look of sympathy and she seems to buy my innocence until an evil grin appears. She lifts her foot up and slams it down on my fingers, causing me to cry out in pain. I grab my hand when suddenly I realize I made the stupid mistake of letting go so now I'm gonna plummet to the ground wherever it may be.

*Lola's POV*

"Bye bye," I smirk as I watch Harry crash land in the mud, "won't be seeing him for a while."

"What happened?" Eleanor asks, out of breath, as she approaches me where I'm standing.

"Nothing you need to worry about. I just took care of Harry that's all."

These people are my puppets......

And puppets deserve to be controlled........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now