The Dancer

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Amunet swiveled her hips and spun in a circle at the steady rhyme of the music. All eyes centered in on her as she twirled her arms and gracefully danced around the room. Maneuvering on her toes, she jumped into the air and flipped her head backward. Streams of black hair rippled down her back and around her head and the gold jewelry on her ears caught the light casting rays around the room. The room was filled with the jingling of the bracelets on Amunet's wrists and ankles along with those wrapped around her neck. She slowly lowered herself into a perfect split just as the music came to a close. 

The room began clapping as they immerged from their transfixion. The noble she'd been hired for jumped to his feet in exclamation and immediately made his way towards her "benefactor" Msamaki. They exchanged a few words and repeated glances over at the beautiful girl dressed in her transparent linens. Msamaki's greedy smile spread across his face and, from what Amunet could see, they shook hands after the exchange of a small burlap sack. The noble smiled as Msamaki made his way over to Amunet with a skip in his step. 

"You'll entertain the General tonight, do you understand?" Amunet lowered her head and nodded very subtle. Msamaki smirked and clasped a hand on her shoulder firmly. He squeezed her tightly and Amunet tried not flinching at the pain. "Don't screw this up."

Amunet nodded and bowed to her owner before strolling up to the noble. His lustful gaze raked over her skin and rested on select parts of her figure. Amunet refused to squirm and took his extended hand. He led her through several winding passages until they reached his quarters. He pushed open the doors and led her by her hand to his bed. Rather roughly, he tossed her onto the wooden bed frame and crawled towards her. Amunet lowered her head back and stiffened as he kissed up her waist. He didn't take notice as he ran his hands over her body removing the little bit of clothing she wore. She shut her violet, kohl covered eyes tightly and refused to focus on her current situation and the truth that she was a slave and couldn't do anything about it.  

The Pharaoh's DancerWhere stories live. Discover now