The New Job

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"I thought dancers were in good shape?" Teremun called from his perch above the Oasis laughing under his breath. Amunet shot a furious glare in his direction and continued with her multiple laps around the area he'd had carved out. Teremun grinned and took a sip of his wine as the servants around him fanned and shaded him. Amunet dripped in sweat and every muscle in her body ached. She felt like collapsing on the hot sand and dying right then and there. Of course, Teremun wouldn't allow that. Since forcing her to work for him, Amunet had been under severe and intense training. She ran ten miles a day and was taught hand to hand combat before and after noon. She was given multiple lectures and forced into hours of studies on everything about Egypt. As it turned out, Teremun wasn't going to use her to kill people, something she was thankful for. The Pharaoh, as it turns out, was going to have Amunet work as a spy. Apparently, he'd been impressed by her tactics to get her attention and was going to direct them towards officials and generals who he need information from. Amunet had been much more willing to take that job offer considering gathering information was something she excelled at.

She wasn't, however, happy about the hours of work that had to go into making her a refined and desirable woman, both intelligent and crafty. When she'd confronted Teremun about forcing her to work out and why it was all necessary, he'd just shrugged his shoulders.

"If you get caught, I want to know you can get away and defend yourself. It's terribly arduous to have to rescue a spy. Also, if you have to kill someone I want to make sure you can actually do it. We can't have the same situation that happened between you and I repeating itself." Teremun had smiled and his devilish, jade eyes had narrowed in on her. Amunet had wanted to strangle him but had listened and trained with his most trusted guard: Ubaid, the same man who'd brought her to the palace under Kamilah's orders. She quickly learned it had been him who'd sold her out. She tried not holding it against him, but every time a weapon was placed in her hands she wanted to cut his throat. It hadn't dawned on Amunet yet that she had a rather violent personality until she had started screaming and thrashing the blade after everything that moved.

Amunet finished her last lap and collapsed at Teremun's feet. She glared up at the Pharaoh who was still smiling down at her. He took another drink, his eyes never leaving Amunet's. He then leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She didn't more, close her eyes, or flinch as he forced her mouth open and poured the sweet wine down her throat. Teremun leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, that stupid smirk still on his face. Amunet's eye twitched along with her hands. She'd gotten used to his bizarre and inappropriate behavior towards her. However, that didn't mean she was okay with it. Every second that passed by, she was imaging what life would be like if she'd succeeded in kill him. Maybe she wouldn't be stuck being the Pharaoh's dancer who doubled as his spy and concubine.

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