The God Amun

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"That's enough, Runihura," a voice suddenly said. Amunet felt a strange resonating feeling strike through her at the sound of the voice. Her core vibrated fiercely with the thumping of her own heart that seemed to overpower the storm raging around her. Amunet's head swiveled repeatedly around her looking for the source of the voice but there was no one. However, she knew she hadn't imaged it for Runihura looked to the sky as if hearing the noise as well. Instantly, the storm ceased and the sky cleared. Amunet still sat clinging to the side of ship soaking wet from the rain. 

The blistering sun appeared from behind the clearing clouds and the sea calmed. Amunet stared at Runihura whose hurt and pain was etched on every part of his body. Unshed tears brimmed in his eyes and tension tightened the muscles in his shoulders and back. Runihura glanced over at Amunet and she felt another pang in her chest that had her clutching her heart and trying to control her breathing. More unidentifiable tears fell from Amunet's eyes and her body shook violently with caged sobs. 

Runihura looked away from Amunet and in a flash of blistering light vanished. Amunet stared at the spot he had been in with utter confusion and bewilderment. Slowly, Amunet rose to her feet and looked around her at the ocean that stretched on forever. Then, suddenly, the ship began to morph and the sea blended away in a mesh of colors. Amunet shielded her eyes from more blinding light as a comfortable heat caressed her body and dried her skin and clothes. When Amunet opened her eyes again the scenery around her had changed. She no longer stood on a ship in the middle of the ocean but rather in a temple made of stone and gold that overlooked a vast sky with clouds drifting across the pillars. Amunet looked down at herself and found herself dressed in a lavish ground with embedded jewels that reflected the light at the slightest movement. She touched her head a little and felt a small diamond encrusted crown that rested against her forehead and wrapped around her head. 

"You look beautiful, Amunet," the voice echoed again. Amunet spun around looking for the speaker again but actually found the figure this time. Sitting on a grand, gold throne was the most beautiful man Amunet had ever seen. Dark hair rippled around his head while stern and piercing eyes concentrated on Amunet causing her to shiver. He gripped a large staff in his right hand that he used as a support to stand. He moved across the room in almost a glide and stood in front of Amunet who felt small and weak in his presence. Even closer up, Amunet couldn't help but notice the resemblance between him and herself. Their jaws were angled in a similar way and both their skins were a pleasant bronze color. They each had a pair of bright and deep-set violet eyes that were at the center of their face and drew most of the attention away from their delicate but fine figures. The strange but familiar man reached a hand out and gently caressed Amunet's cheek. He said nothing for a long time and simply stared at the woman in front of him. Amunet felt the overwhelming feeling that the man in front of her was torn between kissing her and crumbling before her like Runihura had done. 

"Who are you?" Amunet finally said breaking the silence. The man smiled sadly and brought his other hand to Amunet's face to encase her. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers. Amunet couldn't describe in words what happened next. A painful spark shot from her forehead to her toes and back. Her head pounded painfully and suddenly her knees gave out from under her. Amunet gripped the man's arm and looked down at her feet to try and steady herself. Memories that didn't seem to belong to her began flashing across her field of vision that resonated deep within her. It took her only a split second to realize that they were her memories before Mut had taken them. Amunet took a second to regain her composure and held on tightly to the man's shoulders as he kept her standing. After the pain and the headache had subsided, Amunet regained her balance and looked the man straight in the eyes. "Amun?"

The man smiled and brushed strands of hair from Amunet's hair and beads of sweat on her face. 

"I've truly missed you Amunet," Amun said quietly. Amunet was at a loss for what to say and felt strange in her own skin. She could no longer discern what was real and what wasn't. The world seemed to be turning too fast and growing more and more chaotic with every passing second. Amunet's felt unnatural yet at home standing in front of Amun. A mix of hatred and love clouded her sight and bombarded her heart. Amunet wasn't sure what to say to the god who had once been her husband but had cast her away when someone newer had come along. 

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