A Battle at Sea

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Amunet looked around her for a weapon and had to manage with a small shield barely holding together. Runihura spat out a wad of blood and wiped his mouth, spearing the blood alongside his cheek and hand. 

"You pack quite a punch for such a small thing," Runihura began. "I wasn't going to kill you until later but I think I've changed my mind."

"Where is everyone?" Amunet suddenly blurted out. Runihura stopped walking towards her and gave her a weird look. Amunet admitted it was a bad time to phrase such a question but she had a sickening feel in her stomach. Runihura looked around himself and then back to her. 

"Who knows?" He simply said, shrugging his shoulders. Amunet felt the feeling get worse and tried to thick about more pressing matters, such as the psychopath planning on murdering her. Amunet mimicked what she'd done in the small cabin and stayed on the opposite side of the ship trying desperately to keep as much distance between Runihura and her as possible. 

The monster in front of her grinned baring his bloody teeth before he charged at her. Amunet took a deep breath before running at him in return. In one fell swoop, Amunet swung her pathetic excuse of a shield at the dislocated arm and couldn't help but smile at his howl of pain. Runihura's grip weakened enough on the sword Amunet managed to pry it from his hands quickly before putting distance between them again. Runihura cursed into the air before grabbing another sword from his waist. 

Should've gone for that one, Amunet thought to herself. Would've been much easier. 

"You're a real brat, you know that?" Runihura said cutting his sword into the floor of the ship. She placed his now free hand on his shoulder and, with a grunt, popped it back into place. He rolled it back a forth before redrawing his sword from it's embedded spot. "I'm gonna make sure you regret that."

Amunet tossed her hair over her shoulder and spread the width of her feet a little farther apart. She positioned the sword perfectly in between both of her hands and couldn't help but reminisce about the "battles" she'd have with Teremun. 

"Wow you're ungraceful," Teremun said laughing at Amunet sprawled on the floor. "I thought dancers were supposed to be these posed specimens who embodied grace and perfection. All I see right now is a hot mess."

"Shut up," Amunet shot back crawling to her feet. She grabbed the wooden sword from the ground again and squared herself up against Teremun again. The Pharaoh wiped a fake tear from his eye and switched his sword to his other hand. With a battle cry of sorts, Amunet charged swinging the wooden blade towards the Pharaoh's pretty little head. Teremun easily dodged it and grabbed Amunet wrist before completely spinning her around and pinning her to his chest, her own sword across her throat.

"My win," Teremun whispered into her ear. "Now I get my prize."

Amunet pulled herself from her trance just in time to catch the blow Runihura had dealt her. He was much stronger than she was expecting and stumbled back a few feet from the impact. Runihura swung his sword again quickly giving Amunet only seconds to shield herself. 

"Will you just stay still, Amunet?" Runihura screamed. 

Amunet froze at the same moment he did. His mouth opened in a silent O.

"How do you know my name?"

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