The First Meeting

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Amunet followed orders just like she was told. She waited for her messenger and was silent as he led her to the palace through one of the back gates. There she was bathed and given lavish new clothing. She ran the silk through her hands in awe at the soft texture and pressed it to her cheek. Also, the fabric was beautiful and delicate, there wasn't a lot of it. Most of it was tied around her waist while a very little section of it was wrapped around her chest. She adorned her usual bracelets and with every move, they jingled and shimmered in the candle light. She didn't do anything to her hair and instead let it wildly curl down her back and move however it pleased. Amunet lined her eyes with kohl and added a strip of blue pigment over her eyes to extenuate the purple of her eyes. Once dressed and freshened with a spray of perfume from a foreign land, Amunet awaited further orders and stayed in the small room they'd directed her to. She took several deep breaths and tried to get her body to stop shaking, but every sound had her jumping and wanting to run.

"Are you ready?" A silk voice purred from behind her. Amunet turned to see Kamilah smiling and with her hands folded in front of her. Amunet bowed and followed the consort out of the room and down several corridors of the palace. She tried to keep her eyes trained on the back of Kamilah's head, but everything around her called her attention and begged for her touch. The sound of music and several hundred voices had Amunet stopping and turning white. Kamilah glanced back at her and waited until the girl began moving again on her own accord. Amunet shook the fear from her head and flinched her hands at her side. She could hear her legs begin moving again but she didn't make out any of the sound nor could she feel the touch of her bare feet on the cold floor. Kamilah gave her a reassuring smile and disappeared around the corner and into the courtyard where the festival was being held. Another slave approached Amunet and led her to another opening where she was told to wait for her introduction. The muffled voices became quiet and the music stopped along with Amunet's heart and breathing. Amunet raised her head and took the extended hand that had reached for her. She didn't look at the man's face as he directed her into the opening area where several heads began turning towards her. She was brought to the foot of the ascending steps and slowly she bowed before raising her head.

She first saw the face of her escort and released it was the same individual who'd brought her to the palace in the first place. She'd learned his name was Ubaid and he was as quiet as he was tall. He gave her a sharp look before stepping away from her and bowing to the Pharaoh who sat just a few feet from them. Amunet hesitantly raised her eyes and found the Pharaoh's gaze fixed on her. Teremun's famous jade eyes raked over her skin and he leaned slightly forward, the presence of his Chief Wife forgotten at his side. Amunet stared at his sculpted features and the lavish material wrapped around his muscular frame. Amunet lowered her head once more and away from his piercing gaze and stepped back into the center of the room. She could hear someone talking in the distance but it was like she was underwater. The voice was muffled and incoherent but she suspected that that was her introducer. The choked voice went silent and Amunet felt her body stiffen. She couldn't screw this up. This was the only chance she'd have to entice the Pharaoh and get him alone with her. This was her only shot at freedom. After the thought crossed her mind, Amunet stopped shaking and a calm came over her. With a deep breath, Amunet straightened her spine and folded her hands above her head. As the music began ringing out around the area, Amunet began to dance.

She moved her hips in a more provocative way than usual and twirled in more circles than normal. She ran her hands over her flesh and batted her eyes in a drunken flirtation with every individual in the area who looked at her. She raised her legs higher in her kicks and flourished her gown around her so that it highlighted her most delicate features. The entire room became captivated. Amunet was breathing hard and fast as the music slowed to a stop. With the melody could no longer be heard, Amunet threw herself gracefully at the foot of the courtyard stairs and remained with her hair covering her face. Nobody moved or talked after Amunet finished. The first body to move was the Pharaoh who rose from his seat and made his way down to the dancing girl. Amunet didn't raise her head until ordered and even then she did it slowly and allowed her eyes to be the first thing he saw. Teremun stared at her with bewildered lust clouding his features and Amunet smiled slightly. This might be easier than she thought.

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