The Calvary

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The town was in chaos when Amunet reentered the perimeter. People ran in several different directions trying to run from the stampeding horses. Amunet dodged several horses that ran around her. Amunet caught the flashing of armor but also heard the whipping of heavy garments in the wind. Amunet hid behind one of the many homes and peered around the corner to get a better look at the destruction going on. 

It was then that Amunet released that it wasn't a singular army. From the looks of it, the soldiers on the many chariots were Egyptian adorned in the infamous blue and gold battle armor. Amunet watched horrified as the men who served the Pharaoh were overrun by the barbarians on the horses. The strangers were quicker and moved easily on the thunderous beast, making slaughtering a small calvary appear almost simple. 

The strangers had skin like bronze and long flowing hair. Nearly all were men, but Amunet spotted several women fiercely cutting down soldiers with wicked smiles on their faces. Amunet watched horrified as the battle raged. Her body felt stiff and frozen and her fear only worsened as her eyes fell among Ubaid who was currently battling several of the invaders at once. His appearance only assured Amunet's suspicious that the cavalry was part of her search party. However, the arrival of the others was still shrouded in mystery. 

Amunet stifled a scream as several swords and spears pierced Ubaid, the man who'd tried killing her only a few days earlier. Amunet watched as the faithful slave fell from his chariot and laid lifeless on the ground. Amunet's violet eyes shot from his body to a series of screams that were incredibly close to her. Amunet turned further terrified at the sight of the family that had helped her earlier being quickly closed in upon. 

Amunet's body reacted for the second time without her command. She dashed quickly towards the grandmother and her grandchildren. The barbarians laughed at the frightened family and raised their weapons to the sky. Tears stung Amunet's eyes as she launched herself in front of the family. Amunet's arms wrapped around the family and her eyes squeezed shut. 

The pain and death Amunet had been expecting didn't come, though. 

Slowly, Amunet opened her eyes and peered behind her to see the sword coming towards her halted in midair. The individual who'd swung the curved weapon had his wrist restrained by another figure upon the only black horse among the invaders. Amunet's eyes followed the bronze colored hand to the joining arm and across a bare and muscular chest covered in scars. Amunet raised her head to come meet face to face with a handsome man with a square jaw and wild tangles of midnight black hair. His striking and stern features weren't what caught Amunet's attention, though. 

What drew her to him were his eyes. 

Deep, violet eyes just like her own. 

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