The Nile

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Amunet thought that dying would be a peaceful thing, but she was wrong. It was actually extremely painful. Everything in her body throbbed and her vision was so blurred that the world around her looked like a splotchy canvas. Images spun around her and fire laced up and down her spine to burn in her fingers and toes. She would have given up on fighting to stay conscious if it hadn't been for Teremun's face repeatedly pounding itself behind her eyelids. His voice and his smell, his touch, and presence, she hadn't had enough. The Pharaoh was her own personal drug and even her last moments were thinking about taking another bite. As the blood slowly pooled from her sides, Amunet couldn't help but remember an incident months ago that had meant more to her than she thought it should have.

The sun was extremely bright that day and Teremun had wanted to go to the Nile to freshen up. Amunet had never seen the glorious river before and was far too excited during the journey.

"Are you really that happy to see a bunch of water?" Teremun asked eyeing the energetic girl curiously. Amunet turned back with a blistering red face and smacked the Pharaoh on the shoulder before returning to looking outside the cart. Teremun smiled and grabbed Amunet's wrist before pulling her to him. She enveloped her in a kiss that had her panting for air. She stared at him bewildered and resisted the urge to smack the smirk off his face. Before she could, however, the glistening water of the Nile came into sight. Amunet quickly forgot about the annoying Pharaoh and stared transfixed at the deep blue river.

Amunet was released from the Pharaoh's side and she instantly began running towards the edge of the beautiful water. Amunet wasn't a great swimmer but wadded into the water anyway. The cool liquid lapped at her thighs and she closed her eyes to the wonderful sensation. She could feel the rippling of the water against the back of her legs and turned to see Teremun wading in after her. He stopped just behind her and encircled his arms around her waist. He gently kissed her neck and bite her ear playfully. Amunet felt that suddenly the water was too warm and a burning sensation began spreading from her stomach to every inch of her body. Teremun's hands roamed her skin and just as they were beginning to inch lower, Amunet was suddenly enveloped in water. Bubbles enclosed her face and she shot from the surface gasping for air. Her dark hair dripped into her face and she turned to glare at the laughing Pharaoh who was clutching his stomach painfully. His laughter radiated around her and the fire in her only seemed to intensify. She charged toward the Pharaoh recklessly and threw her body against his successfully knocking both of them into the water. Teremun continued to laugh and was only silenced when Amunet pressed her lips to his. Teremun seemed surprised by the jester but kissed her back heatedly and brought her tightly against his chest.

Amunet sat between Teremun's legs and just simply stared at Teremun and his intoxicating eyes for what felt like an eternity. Teremun brushed her hair away from her face and stroked her cheek gently. He began placing kisses along around her face before reconnecting their lips.

"I'm glad you tried to kill me, Amunet," he whispered into her ear. Amunet resisted smiling and answering his words. If she had, though, she would have simply stated Me too.

Amunet rolled herself onto her back and stared up at the ceiling and tried to distract herself from the echoing silence around her. Tears slowly fell down her face as the realization finally dawned on her. She touched her stomach slightly and could already begin to feel the blood pooling from between her legs. She closed her eyes before the hysterical cries could consume her but lost. Amunet hadn't cried in years, but now that she laid here dying, crying seemed all that she was capable of doing. Amunet's sobs rang out around her and it didn't take long before darkness enveloped her and the world went black.

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