The Kindness of Strangers

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Amunet lapped at the water from the well with an unquenchable thirst. Every inch of her throat burned and her skin itched from the unbearable heat that poured down on her. Her body was covered in several sunburns and her feet ached with every step. Amunet had been running for what seemed liked weeks. It was clear she was no longer in Egypt but the sun and the scorching desert still surrounded her. Amunet had almost started crying when she spotted the small town in the middle of nowhere. 

The townspeople stared at her curiously but no one approached her. From the looks of the several outpost that littered the perimeter and the multitude of rest stops, the place was a trading town and it seemed many were used to travelers. 

Amunet braided her hair out of her face and splashed some water on her face. She let out a sigh as the cool water trickled down her back. Amunet turned towards the nearest home where an elderly woman was staring at her. Amunet gave a polite nod and the woman returned it while also gesturing her towards her. Amunet approached cautiously and was surprised to see the elderly woman holding a plate of a variety of fruits. Several smaller kids ran around the elderly woman's legs and Amunet expected that they were most likely her grandchildren from the looks of them. 

"You're really pretty," one of the small girls said quickly blushing afterwards. Amunet smiled down at the girl and took the offered food graciously. The elderly woman said nothing as Amunet ate and simply smiled as her grandchildren talked rapidly. Amunet had never been treated so generously without the other individual expecting something in return. But even after finishing the food, the family  offered Amunet some more food wrapped in sacks along with a change of clothes, some sandals, and a few more necessities for traveling. Amunet bowed and thanked them repeatedly and filled her clay bottle with the fresh water before turning away from the family who watched her and waved. 

Amunet was a good distance from the town when she heard it: the sound of hundreds of horses running across the sand with their armored passengers. 

Amunet turned suddenly with her heart hammering and a horrified look crossing her face. Amunet stared with eyes wide as the calvary road through the town on their chariots and horses. Amunet felt her arms grow slack and her legs grow heavy as the screams erupted throughout the small town. 

Amunet's body moved on its own and quickly she ran back to the caring family that had saved her. 

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