Author's Note Part 2

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Hello, dedicated readers, it's been awhile!
I have some exciting news. I'm sure a few of you know that I've been working on rewriting The Pharaoh's Dancer.

It's been a long and slow process but I've gotten a few chapters redone. So what I've decided is to start a new book with the rewritten work. The story line is similar but a lot of the details and characters have been altered and developed differently. The chapters are also a lot longer and I've put a lot of work into it trying to make it better. I've used a lot of your guys' comments to change certain details and I really appreciate the input.

The first chapter of the new book will be available for anyone to read, however, after that the work will only be available to my followers.

I'm really excited to publish this new piece of work to all of you but be warned updates may be slower just because of school (I'm in college now. Yay!) thanks for all the continual support and I really hope you take some time to read the new Pharaoh's Dancer. :)

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